Interactive commands to 'gnuplot'

Plot points from a data file file connected with lines plot 'file' using x-col:y-col with lines
Plot points from a data file file as points plot 'file' using x-col:y-col with points
Plot points from multiple data files together plot 'file1' ... , 'file2' ... , 'file3' ...
Plot points from different pairs of columns in data file file together plot 'file' using ... , '' using ... , '' using ...
Set X axis label to text set xlabel 'text'
Set Y axis label to text set ylabel 'text'
Set plot title to text set title 'text'
Remove data file key text unset key
Select graphics file output mode set terminal type size x-size,y-size
Select graphics window output mode set terminal wxt
Open graphics output file file set output 'file'
Close graphics output file unset output
3-D surface plot points from a data file file splot 'file' using x-col:y-col:z-col with lines
Set 3-D Z axis label to text set zlabel 'text' rotate by 90
Enable hidden lines for 3-D surface plots set hidden3d
Use log scale on X axis set logscale x
Use log scale on Y axis set logscale y
Set a default directory for data files set loadpath 'path'
Quit back to shell quit