/* $Id: common.js,v 1.11 2006/06/07 19:17:51 santep Exp $ (c) 2006 The New York Times Company */ function nameIt() { window.name = 'nytimesmain'; if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (document.all.globalsearchform)){ document.all.globalsearchform.style.visibility = "visible"; } } function pop_me_up(pURL,features){ new_window = window.open(pURL, "popup_window", features); new_window.focus(); } function pop_me_up2(pURL,name,features){ new_window = window.open(pURL,name,features); new_window.focus(); } function changeImage(image_name,image_src) { document.images[image_name].src = image_src; } function goToURL(obj){ var f = (obj.section) ? obj : obj.form; var selected = f.section.selectedIndex; var URL = f.section.options[selected].value; if (URL != "") document.location = URL; return false; } function goToURL2(sel){ // This version only works for onChange events from select objects // but the select object can have any name, unlike goToURL() which requires // the select object to be named "section" var selected = sel.selectedIndex; var url = sel.options[selected].value; if (url != "") document.location = url; return false; } if (window.self != window.top) { top.location.replace(window.location.pathname); } //begin functions for Travel flash slideshows function writeFlashSlideShow(xmlFile){ var swfFile = "/slideshow/swf/slideshow.swf?XMLfile=/slideshow/xml/travel/" + xmlFile; var HTMLstr = ""; HTMLstr += ""; HTMLstr += ""; HTMLstr += ""; HTMLstr += ""; HTMLstr += ""; HTMLstr += ""; HTMLstr += ""; return HTMLstr; } function showFirstSlide(imgName, photoCredit, photoCaption){ var HTMLstr = ""; HTMLstr += ""; HTMLstr += "\"photo\""; HTMLstr += ""; HTMLstr += "
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