

What do you think about the State Board of Education’s stance?

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September 1, 2007 07:54 p.m.
    The Board made the right decision. It would be better if the members knew a little science, though. Republican Pat Hardy of Weatherford says, "I am open to having intelligent design in there because there is a large body of evidence unanswered by the theory of evolution. We first need to hear from science educators and experts about whether this should be done." Hello? Science educators and experts have been declaring for decades that evolution is a FACT and that "intelligent" design is not science.
August 28, 2007 01:26 p.m.
    Science seeks theories to enterpret and explain facts. What facts do creationism and intelligent design refer? Some guy riding on a camel who thought up God? If so, how did the guy riding on the camel get there? By majic perhaps? Talk about holes and gaps in your "theory."
August 28, 2007 12:06 a.m.
    Let's see now, these "Intelle-gents" (and women) claim that the theory of evolution has "weaknesses" in it, but they accept that. The "Intellegent Design" theory has weaknesses but they don't accept that. Sounds very political and we all know that politicains have all the answers. And if they don't have the answer, they'll make one up. I wonder why those politicians haven't strengthened those weaknesses in the theory of evolution? Just a thought.
August 28, 2007 09:54 a.m.
    Intelligent design! Of course our creator, the Lord God Almighty is intelligent! God spoke and it was - that was the big bang. Darwin recanted on his deathbed, a fact that not everyone seems to know! You are robbing our children of the truth by omitting creation from the textbooks.
August 27, 2007 04:11 p.m.
    Against it. Intelligent design theory should be taught if you teach evolution stating the evidence for a creator without saying who or what that creator is. There is plenty of evidence for this & is supported by many scientist without backing one or any particular religion. Ironically evolution has grown from a simple theory to a religion of its own & is now state sponsored.
August 27, 2007 11:23 a.m.
    Creationism and Intelligent Design should not be part of any science curriculum.
August 26, 2007 10:52 p.m.
    Something greater than man created this spectatular planet and the creatures/humans who inhabit it. There is an order to the universe that did not occur by chance. This entity gave man a mind to think and question. It gave man knowledge, which has brought him to this place in time. Intelligent enlightened wisdom goes hand in hand with technological advances. As a young physician, Dr. Michel DeBakey performed surgery on my infant aunt. He closed a gill like opening in her neck. Dr. DeBakey told my grandparents that this gill like opening in her neck was an evolutionary note that "we came from the sea". My brother is a nuclear physicist. He told me the very same thing many years ago. You cannot deny science nor can you deny recorded history. The education system would be remiss in not presenting an overview of both the scientific and religious viewpoints. To do otherwise would be a fundamentalist narrowminded approach to what is really a very simple story to tell.
August 25, 2007 09:47 a.m.
    Intelligent design is just plain dumb. Our backs are not designed for walking upright. Does God get backaches? Why would we have a maxillary sinus that drains up instead of down? Why would we have so many vestigial parts? The board of education is correct to reject 'intelligent design'. If God was the designer then God is a dummy.
August 25, 2007 08:39 a.m.
    I am in favor of the State Board of Education's stance! Leave it alone!
August 24, 2007 10:29 p.m.
    "Intelligent Design" is nothing but creationism in a tuxedo. Not a distant cousin, just repackaged goods still unfit for human consumption. This mythology has no place in a science class.
August 24, 2007 02:28 p.m.
    I think 4 of the 15 board members need to take several science courses at a public university. To think they are educated and want to wish ID/creationism belongs in a science class is completely ignorant on their part. Teach it in comparative mythology.
August 24, 2007 02:18 p.m.
    I think they should require Intelligent Design be taught side by side with evolution. Evolution is not science. It is a theory, and a flawed one, at that. Darwin admitted that fossil evidence did not support his ideas about interspecies evolution, but he hoped that the ensuing years would bring forth the fossil record he needed. A hundred years later they still have not. Science teachers should be required to study this issue further i.e. more than they learned themselves in high school so that they see that teaching Intelligent Design concurrent with evolution is the obvious and fair thing to do.
August 24, 2007 02:01 p.m.
    The theory of evolution is the best explanation of how life began and evolved. It is based on solid, albeit imperfect, scientific evidence. Accordingly the State Board of Education's stance regarding the teaching of evolution as science is correct. People in the United States, as well as most western countries, are free to believe whatever they want regarding the origin of mankind. If one wants to believe that the world kicked off about 6,000 years ago with two Hebrew speaking adults and a talking snake, that is there choice. But their belief is just that and, therefore, it belongs in the home or at church or in private discussions. It does not belong in a science class.
August 24, 2007 12:55 a.m.
    I think it is ideotic for us to waste tax payers money on this issue. All "intelligent design" is is a meager attempt to punch holes in all the well rationed conlusions drawn on hard evidence replacing it with a theory with even bigger holes in it.
August 24, 2007 11:21 a.m.
    If Intelligent Design cannot be taught because of seperation of church and state, then evolution cannot be taught either. On June 19, 1961, the US Supreme Court ruled in "Torcaso v. Watkins" that Secular Humanism is a religion. Now, according to the first statements of the Humanist Manifestos 1-4, which is what Secular Humanism holds to, life is here by way of evolution. This being what Secular Huminism teaches, and the fact that Secular Huminism is a religion, we cannot teach it any longer.
August 24, 2007 10:53 a.m.
    Good for them, religion has no place in science classes. Plus if religious tales of creations are to be inserted into the curriculum, why stop with the Christian version? In all fairness, students should be allowed to discuss and give as much weight to the Hindu, Mayan, Buddhist, Greek, etc. versions of creation. Christianity is not the only religion out there.
August 24, 2007 10:45 a.m.
    I applaud the courage and foresight of the Texas Board of Education in rejecting an obvious ploy to insert a religious agenda into the public schools. Intelligent Design is not scientific or it would carry its argument in scientific journals instead of the courts and school boards. ID is not even a belief of a majority of Christians, much less of the rest of America. Thank You Texas Board of Education.
August 24, 2007 10:28 a.m.
    Thank goodness common sense has reigned in the Texas State Board of Education. The teaching of "intelligent design" is a religious subject the teaching of evolution is a science subject. The former is unconstitutional the latter is constitutional.
August 24, 2007 10:27 a.m.
    How does being taught this improve the science skills of our youth? Doesn't it teach them to just accept things the way they are? Eliminate investigation? Things do evolve, and that is what kids are taught.
August 24, 2007 09:00 a.m.
    If you're going to teach "theory" there should be room in the curriculum for more than one.
August 24, 2007 08:50 a.m.
    Thank God for private Christian Schools where these things are not an issue.
August 24, 2007 08:22 a.m.
    Creationism is not science, and should therefore not be taught in a science class. Creative fiction class, maybe. It's nice to see that the SBE has some rational thinkers on board.
August 24, 2007 07:48 a.m.
    Bravo! I respect their religious views, but im glad they understand that those are to be taught at home or in church and not in science classes!!!
August 24, 2007 07:29 a.m.
    Wow. I can't believe this is taught anywhere in the United States. Intelligent design is idiotic.
August 24, 2007 01:10 a.m.
    The theory of evolution is based on science and should be taught in schools. The theory of intelligent design and creationism is based on superstition and has no place in schools. I can't even believe we are having this conversation. No wonder the US is so far down the list of educated countries.
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