Students with Disabilities
Disability Accommodations: If you need academic accommodations for a
disability, you must first contact Ms. Rebecca Marin, Coordinator,
Services for Students with Disabilities (214-768-4557) to verify the
disability and establish eligibility for accommodations. Then you should
schedule an appointment with the professor to make appropriate
Medically Excused Absences
Our policy on medically excused absences is as specified by the
Provost. Verification of medical illness and request for an excused
absence from class will be handled in one of two ways. A physician or
staff member from health/counseling and testing will provide either
(1) a hand-written note on a Health Center prescription form, or (2) a
signed letter written on Health Center stationery. Excused medical
absences shall have specific dates of time periods
indicated. Encounter forms and Walk-Out Statements verify a student's
General Absences
These policies on absences are issued by the Provost of SMU.
- Religious Observance: Religiously observant students wishing to be
absent on holidays that require missing class should notify their professors in
writing at the beginning of the semester, and should discuss with them, in
advance, acceptable ways of making up any work missed because of the absence.
Wednesday 10 September 2008
is the last day to request a religious absence.
(See University Policy No. 1.9.)
- Excused Absences for University Extracurricular Activities:
Students participating in an officially sanctioned, scheduled University
activity will be given the opportunity to make up class assignments or other
graded assignments missed as a result of their participation. It is the
responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the instructor prior
to any missed scheduled examination or other missed assignment for making up
the work. (University Undergraduate Catalogue)