
All assignments are graded on a scale from 0 to 5. All assignments are due by the start of class (11:00am) on the day indicated on the syllabus. Assignments turned in after 11:00am are considered LATE.

Late homework will be accepted with a 50% penalty up to the day the assignments are handed back graded. After the assignments are handed back, late homework WILL NOT be accepted and will be assigned a grade of zero.

For research papers and book reports, one point (out of five) is deducted for each day after the due date.

CFB 3333

Attendance / Participation     5% 
Homework                      10% (drop lowest one)
Reading quizzes               10% (drop lowest one)
Book report #1                10%
Book report #2                10%
7-page paper                  15% (average first and second attempts of midterm paper)
15-page paper                 20%
Final examination             20%

Physics 3333 and Honors CFB 3333

Attendance / Participation     5% 
Homework                      10% (drop lowest one)
Reading quizzes               10% (drop lowest one)
Book report #1                10%
Book report #2                10%
7-page paper                  15% (average first and second attempts of midterm paper)
15-page paper                 15%
Presentation                   5%
Final examination             20%

Participation Points

These can be earned in any of several ways:

Extra Credit

We can not offer any extra credit for extra work to individual students. The offer must be made to the entire class or to no one. In particular, no extra credit is available after the final examination. Don't ask.

Incomplete Grades

A grade of Incomplete (I) can only be assigned if
  1. the student has completed more than 50% of the coursework with a passing grade
  2. the reason is justifiable (medical excuse, military service, etc.)