Relevant Web Sites
Good Science *
- What's New - Column by Dr. Robert L. Park (who spoke at SMU)
- James Randi Educational Foundation - an educational
resource on the paranormal, pseudoscientific, and the supernatural, by James Randi (who spoke at SMU)
- CSICOP - Committee for the Scientific
Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
- What's the harm? - How can not thinking critically hurt you?
- Richard Dawkins' official site
- Jamy Ian Swiss - Magician and Skeptic
- National Capital Area Skeptics
- Association for Skeptical Inquiry - U.K. equivalent of CSICOP. Good.
- The Skeptiseum - Skeptical Museum of the Paranormal
- Bad Astronomy by Philip Plait
- SkepticWiki
- the Encyclopedia of Science and Critical Thinking
- Bad Science by Alistair Fraser
- The Loom - Carl Zimmers blog at Discover Magazine
- Skeptoid - Critical Analysis Podcast
- Ancient and medieval Christian Pseudoscience (in Italian)
- Fake relics, pareidolia, etc.
- Bad Science by Dr. Ben Goldacre
- Cosmic Log from by Alan Boyle, featuring
- Art Fake .net - Fake Art and the Fakers who create them. A detailed information site
with the biography and history of the worlds greatest fakes, counterfeiters and their frauds.
- - by Benjamin Radford managing editor of The Skeptical Inquirer
- - Joe Nickell is Senior Research Fellow of the Committee for the
Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) - an international scientific organization - and investigative
columnist for Skeptical Inquirer magazine.
- - Chris Mooney's companion site to the book
- The Talk.Origins Archive
- Pharyngula by P.Z. Myers
- National Center for Science Education -
Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public Schools
- The Skeptics Society and Skeptic Magazine
- The Skeptic Magazine
- The Skeptic's Dictionary
- Bay Area Skeptics
- Bad
- The Museum of Hoaxes
- Urban Legends Archive
- - Holding Politicians Accountable
- - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting: The National Media Watch Group
- Geology Confronts Creationism
- An Antidote to Velikovskian Delusions
- The Mad Scientist Network
- The Skeptics Guide To The Universe "Your escape to reality"
- 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
Scientific American article by John Rennie
Scientific American: Becoming Human (June 2006)
- The Straight Dope by Cecil Adams
- The History News Network
edited by Rick Shenkman (who spoke at SMU)
- Nobel Prize in Physics 1999 co-winner
Gerard t'Hooft's take on the
- Scientific American Magazine
- SETI@home - the Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at home
- featuring their links to
SETI information
- Sky & Telescope
magazine's SETI Section
- The Glossary of Mathematical Mistakes
- Langmuir's talk on Pathological
Science (December 18, 1953)
- Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Norwegian Skeptics
- Jim Lippard's Skeptical Information Links
- Cliff Pickover's Internet
Encyclopedia of Hoaxes
- In Search of Mathematical Miracles - A skeptical
look at Bible Codes and other sacred text codes
- New Mexicans for Science and Reason
- What's up with the "Bible Code"?
from The Straight Dope
- Do anagrams in Lewis Carroll's poems
prove he was Jack the Ripper? from The Straight Dope
- The Annals of Improbable Research (formerly the Journal of
Irreproducible Results)
- Revealing the Star of Bethlehem - by Michael R. Molnar
- The Skeptic's Annotated Bible and Quran
(Koran) and Book of Mormon
- The Particle Adventure - an
interactive tour of particle physics
- Skeptics Webring
- Quackwatch Your Guide to Health
Fraud, Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions
- Homeowatch Your
Skeptical Guide to Homeopathic History, Theories, and Current Practices
- Autism on trial
- Denialism Blog
- The Debunker's Domain
- No Answers in Genesis!
- The North Texas Skeptics
- The Quack-Files
- ChiroLinks
- Anti-Quackery Ring
- The First Amendment, Science and
Pseudoscience "Creation Science" has little to do with science and everything to do with
preaching the Genesis story in the classroom, 1st Amendment be damned.
- Reasonings: The
Official Newsletter of the Atheists and Agnostics of Wisconsin
- Things creationists hate
- DETOX: Forum Message - Re: The
- Creation or just natural
events? Some things bible literalists / creationists hate!
- Fraud, Mistaken Identity and
Claims Thereof
- Fantasies and Misconceptions on the WEB
- Fuz
Rana on NPR's Glenn Mitchell show Read Rana for bad science and Rennie for good science
- Showtime - Penn & Teller:
- Mythbusters! - on the Discovery Channel
- The Darwin Awards
- Thomas B. Fordham Foundation featuring
- Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education
- Skeptics Corner by Louis w. Cable
- The Skeptic Tank
- Truth or Fiction - your email reailty check
- Break the Chain - stop junk email and misinformation
- Is ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) a disease?
Power Lines and Cancer: Nothing to Fear by John W. Farley, Ph.D
- Independent Investigations Group
- The Scientific Review of Alternative
- Creation and Intelligent Design Watch
Dangers of chiropractic therapy : MUST SEE! : Confessions of a Quackbuster
- Dangers of alternative medicine
- A Different way to Heal? -
Alternative Medicine - Scientific American Frontiers with Alan Alda
- National Council Against Health Fraud
- Rothwell, D., Bondy, S., & Williams, J. I. (2001). Chiropractic
manipulation and stroke: A population-based case-control study.
Stroke: The Journal of the American Heart Association, 32, 1054.
- Smith WS and others.
Spinal manipulative therapy is an independent risk factor for vertebral artery dissection.
Neurology 60:1424-1428, 2003.
Chiropractic's Dirty Secret: Neck Manipulation and Strokes
- Hoaxbusters
- The Museum of Unworkable Devices
- Art and UFOs?
- a parody of the bad science
Discovery Institute
- Recovery from Mormonism
- The Skeptical Gourmet
- American
Association of Physics Teachers Statement on the Teaching of Evolution
and Cosmology
- The fact of
Evolution and the construct of "Intelligent" Design on the Diane Rehm
Show (NPR)
- Sea-monster or Shark? -
An Analysis of a Supposed Plesiosaur Carcass Netted in 1977
- A Skeptic Moment
with Tim Kammer - skeptical podcasting
- What is Pseudoscience?
The Scopes "Monkey" Trial - Tennessee v. John Scopes
- Understanding Evolution
- On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets
- What Was God Thinking? Science Can't Tell - by Nobel Prize Winner Eric Cornell
- Rev. Ridiculous doesn't speak well for intelligent design -
If Intelligent Design is science and not religion, then why is the Reverend Pat Robertson upset?
- Holiday Scams
- Randell Mills - Crackpot
- Intelligent Design: The New Creationism Threatens All of Science
and Society from the American Physical Society (APS)
- Natasha Demkina - The Girl With X-Ray Eyes (NOT!)
- Facts of Life People may have different
beliefs and theories about how we got here, but only one should be
taught in our children's science classes: evolution.
- Barry Marshall
and Robin Warren win Nobel Prize for work on ulcers
- Evolution FAQ from the NY Times
- Achau
Nguyen Test from
Intelligent Falling - satire from The Onion parodying the
Evolution / Intelligent Design debate.
- - Polygraphy is Quackery
- The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin - read it for free
- Recycling paper and plastic actually hurts the environment.
- The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary
- The Facts About Second Hand Smoke
- Latest Email Hoaxes - Current Internet Scams - Hoax-Slayer Newsletter
- Phishing scams and spoof emails
- Skepchicks - female skeptics
- - Urban Legends Reference Pages
- Evolution Ale from Wasatch Beers
- Nonoccupational Exposure to
Chrysotile Asbestos and the Risk of Lung Cancer by Michel Camus, Ph.D., Jack Siemiatycki, Ph.D.,
and Bette Meek, M.Sc. NEJM Volume 338:1565-1571 May 28, 1998 Number 22
- ASBESTOS REVISITED By: Alleman, James E., Mossman, Brooke T., Scientific American, 00368733, Jul97, Vol. 277, Issue 1
- Mystery InvestigatorsUsing Science to Investigate the Strange and Mysterious
- Philadelphia Association for Critical Thinking
- Do you think Al Gore claimed he invented the internet? Then you're wrong. And if you still think so after
you read the link, then you're stupid.
- Intelligent Design versus Science | Yoism
- Polygraph Results Often in Question
but government agencies are hooked on them
- Rush Limbaugh Settles Drug Fraud Charges
- Ear Stalping to Loose Weight: article 1
and article 2
- Science and Religion, Still Worlds Apart
- Chiropractic time travel
- Lost Gospel
of Judas from National Geographic
- Scientists Call Fish Fossil, 375 Million Years Old, 'Missing Link'
Article with pictures
- Cancer-sniffing dogs?
- Testing Darwin's Teachers
- Key
Dead Sea Scroll Makes U.S. Debut
- Sad Suspicions About Scores in
Basketball - Forensic economics detects mutual fund traders
backdating their trades and cheating in the NCAA Basketball Tournament.
- University to Investigate Fusion Study
- Turning textbooks into the Good Book
- Was Loch Ness monster actually an elephant?
(No, it was a toy submarine
with a plastic wood dinosaur head stuck to it.)
- Indigo children
- Despite Tests, Many Consumers Swear by Remedies
- Health concerns limit wireless Internet at Lakehead University
- Holocaust denier David Irving gets three years -
"I made a mistake when I said there were no gas chambers at
Auschwitz," Irving told the court before his sentencing. "In no way
did I deny the killings of millions of people by the Nazis,"
testified Irving,
- Kitzmiller et al. vs.
Dover Area School District et al. Memorandum Opinion 20 Dec 2005
- Intelligent Design (ID)
gets spanked in court. Judge John E. Jones III threw the book at
them, and you can read it (the book, that is).
The transcript
of the whole trial is also available.
See for summaries:.
- Our governor, Rick Perry, on ID - he's for it,
but he doesn't plan to ask for a change in the TX curriculum. This is called
talking out of both sides of your ass.
Book review of EVOLUTION VS. CREATIONISM by Eugenie C. Scott
Rome Weighs in (Gently) on Intelligent Design Vatican newspaper commentary
suggests the evolution alternative is bad science
"Intelligent design" not science: Vatican paper
- "Psychic" Sylvia Browne misses live on radio!
- Letterman 1, O'Reilly 0
Cell phones do not cause brain cancer
- Really free
Annual Credit Report (courtesy of Mr. Benson)
- - opt out of receiving firm offers for
credit or insurance (those annoying weekly mail offers: "You're
- Americans United for Separation of Church and State
- Texas Freedom Network - A Mainstream Voice to Counter the Religious Right
- Texas Citizens for Science
- Evo.Sphere
- Atmo.Sphere
- Groundhog Day -
Punxsutawney Phil, worse than flipping a coin.
- Do We Use Only 10% of Our Brain?
- The Quack Page - Professor David Colquhoun's IMPROBABLE SCIENCE page
- HIV causes AIDS
- God vs. Science - Time Magazine 13 November 2006
- Theory in particle physics: Theological speculation versus practical knowledge by Burton Richter from Physics Today.
Ed Mezvinsky - Nigerian Scam - Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice,
shame on me; fool me three times, and I must be some kind of moron.
- FDA Will Allow Breast Implants Made of Silicone
- New Methods Let Scientists Analyze Neanderthal DNA
- Questions surround methods, credentials of drug screener
- The Smug Baldy Speaks featuring
- Medical Myths Even Doctors Believe
- Why Science Can't Save the GOP - discussion of stem cells and in vitro fertilization
- "10 Great Snake-Oil Gadgets"
- Pattern Analysis of MegaMillions Lottery Numbers is the lottery rigged?
- Courthouse ghost's creepy identity revealed
- Exoneration Using DNA Brings Change in Legal System - New York Times 1 October 2007
- Clinton Blasts Bush's 'War on Science'
- Jeffs guilty Verdict: FLDS leader facing up to life in prison -
Warren Jeffs is the "prophet" of a Mormon sect that still practices polygamy and marriage of 13-year-old girls.
- Theories about Peruvian meteorite discounted
- The Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind a DHS Contract
- see how the Department of Homeland Security is planning to waste your tax money.
Sticking needles in a bad back 'eases pain better than drugs'
But so does fake acupuncture, where the needles are inserted shallowly and in the wrong places.
- Scientists do the numbers
- Texas State Education board opposes intelligent design in curricula
Even creationists say theory doesn't belong in class with evolution
Dallas Morning News, 23 August 2007 -- See the results of reader voting
- Pennsylvania Man Claims He Made Fuel From Salt Water
- Pope: Creation vs. evolution clash an 'absurdity'
- Abstinence-only programs don't lower HIV risk
- Scientists claim to break light-speed barrier
- Sleights of Mind
- Put a Little Science in Your Life - by Brian Greene
- F.D.A. Takes Aim at Herbal Cancer 'Cures'
- Lawsuit against new particle collider
- just in case it creates a black hole and destroys the Universe!
- The Large Hadron Collider - Satan's Stargate - performance art or insanity? You decide.
- Bible suit settlement
- Analysis: Vaccine-Autism Link Unproven
- Airborne settles lawsuit for $23.3 million
- The world's first anion Notebook Computer
- "Anion is the vitamin of the air. It enhances the body's
condition, promotes nervous stability and recovery from fatigue,
and encourages circulation of halted blood." Sure it does.
- Cue Up the Acne-Fighting, 128-Meg MP3 Player
- How to make better decisions
- MMR vaccine not seen causing autism
"In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield of Royal Free Hospital in London and colleagues sparked a fierce worldwide debate among scientists
and a health scare by suggesting the MMR jab caused autism. Outbreaks of all three diseases followed."
- Infant study casts doubt on vaccine-autism link
- Dallas man cleared, freed after 27 years in prison -
fifteenth from Dallas County exonerated by DNA.
"The lead prosecutor at the trial called Mr. Chatman a liar and
insisted that since the victim was a nurse, she was a trained
observer and incapable of making a mistake."
- Drugs Offer No Benefit in Curbing Aggression, Study Finds -
worse than placebo!
- Official Leaves Post as Texas Prepares to Debate Science Education Standards
- Pseudoscience from Wikipedia
- Category:Pseudoscience from Wikipedia
- Editor Eric: Skepticism, Science and Critical Inquiry
- Astronomy FAQ -
Frequently Asked Questions
- Usenet
Physics FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- Kitzmiller et al. vs.
Dover Area School District et al. Memorandum Opinion 20 Dec 2005
- Intelligent Design (ID)
gets spanked in court. Judge John E. Jones III threw the book at
them, and you can read it (the book, that is).
See for summaries:
Featuring these "expert" witnesses defending ID, professors all:
(Thermometers aren't the only things graduated with degrees that can crack!)
- Michael Behe -
Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania
- Scott Minnich -
Associate Professor of Microbiology at the University of Idaho
Stephen William Fuller -
Professor of Sociology at University of Warwick, UK (Sociology?!?)
And two more professorial proponents of ID not called at trial
Bad Science *
- The Unhived Mind -> The Fraud of HIV and AIDS
- VirusMyth - this bad science
site claims that HIV does not cause AIDS. It does.
Featuring not one, but two professors at UC Berkeley:
(I'm starting to think that tenure isn't such a good idea after all.)
- Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives
on evolution
- Northwest Creation Network
- creation science resource megasite
- featuring
CreationWiki - a community-build encyclopedia of creation science (not working currently)
- Evolution Fact or Belief (Part 1)
- video from The Creation Nework (many more linked from here)
- Conservapedia - like
Wikipedia but
without all those annoying facts.
- Lenski dialog - Conservapedia founder Andrew Schlafly gets
schooled by MSU evolutionary biologist Richard Lenski on E. coli evolution and manners.
- The Creation Museum opens in Petersburg, Kentucky (Flintstones. Meet the
Flintstones. They're the modern stone age family...)
- Good News Magazine's Nonsense on Evolution - sign up for a free subscription;
in fact, sign up for a dozen.
- Dr. Robert A. Herrmann's Intelligent Design and Considerably More - more nonsense, that is.
- - this
site seems to have gone belly-up. 7 Nov 2008
- Y-Origins Connection :: Intelligent Design For Everyone
- - Carezani says Einstein was wrong (guess who's going to win this argument).
- The Searle Effect Generator - antigravity and antisanity
- The Free Energy Page
- More Free Energy
featuring two U.S. patents for perpetual motion machines
- The United States Patent and Trademark Office
- - Time is the speed of light
- The Law of Unity blah blah blah...
- Alex Chiu's Immortality Device
- The Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia
- Unified Spiral Field Theory
- John Edward - Cold reader and TV personality
- Theory of the Sustentation of Matter by Mario
- The Immanuel Velikovsky Archive
- Answers in Genesis
- Institute for Creation Research
- Coast to Coast AM (Used to be the Art Bell Show)
- 241 Mumbers - this is original:
people selling physical constants
- Uri Geller
- The Fortean Times
- Design Inference Website
- The Etemenanki website by Goro Adachi
- Wade's Ghost Page
- Int'l Ghost Hunters Society
- Q-ray ionized bracelet
- What was the Star? of Bethlehem, that is.
- Q-Link - a pendant that lowers your stress and improves your golf
game, endorsed by Deepak Chopra
- The Chopra Center - Deepak Chopra's web site
- The Shift of the Ages - (delete one letter
and it will be accurate)
- Creation Science Evangelism featuring Kent Hovind's $250,000
challenge to provide "scientific proof" of evolution (as if he would recognize science if it bit him
in the ass)
Creation Science Fair 2001 Scary! (possibly a hoax)
- Feng Shui Ultimate ResourceHilarious!
Here's a site debunking "bad" feng shui while defending "good" feng shui
- Reasons To Believe
- Tickle: IQ and Personality Tests - The
Classic IQ Test
- 'Ramtha's channeler' can't testify
- Creation Evidence Museum
- What the #$*! is Ramtha
- What the #$*! Do They Know? - review from CSICOP
- What the Bleep Do We Know!? from
- What the (Bleep) Were They Thinking? from Skeptico
- The
Cruel Saga of Asbestos Disease by Paul Brodeur, the same whack job
who claims that power lines cause leukemia. See Voodoo Science by
Dr. Robert Park for the facts. See also the Good Science link:
- Consciousness Research Laboratory
- Discovery Institute
- Foundation for Ancient Research and
Mormon Studies
- Evelyn Wood Speed Reading
- Perceptions by Ray Dickenson, featuring such luminaries as
Gary Novak and
Randell Mills.
- Moon Landing Hoax - by Bart Sibrel,
professional crackpot
- Natural "Cures" by Kevin Trudeau (quotation marks inserted by us)
See also Why You Shouldn't
Buy Kevin Trudeau's "Natural Cures" Book from
- featuring
THE SPEED OF LIGHT, by Jerry D. Noble, Theorist
- Life Technology
- Nonsensical "Physics" by DT Froedge
- Life Force Plan - look at all those testimonials
- Life Force .net Multilevel Marketing (pyramid scheme) for natural products
- EnCell Provides Energy for Life
- DEI DVD - get free
electricity and 100 miles per gallon - BUUUUUULLLLLLLLLSHIIIIIIIT!
- HeadOn apply directly
to the forehead - more like "apply directly to the wallet" - What
exactly does this stuff do? Nothing. It's homeopathic B.S.
- Telephone Telepathy
- The "Miracle" Tree
- Steorn - technology that "appears to violate the 'Principle of the Conservation of Energy'"
(I quote from the website itself.)
- Progress in Physics - looks like a real physics journal, smells like bullshit.
(Not to be confused with Reports on Progress in Physics which really is a
legitimate, respected physics journal.)
- Null Physics by Terence Witt (T. Witt?, twitt?)
- The Morgellons Research Foundation "with a medical board that boasts five MDs and an RN.
Interestingly, none are dermatologists." (Quote from Commentary by Caroline S. Koblenzer, MD, who *IS*
a dermatologist.)
- The Fair Education Foundation - evolution is wrong and the Earth is the
center of the Universe (they're not kidding!)
- The Geocentric Bible by Gordon Bane
- Geocentricity - the Association for Biblical Astronomy
- Galileo Was Wrong!
- Intelligent Design the Future featuring this
The Intelligent Design (ID) proponents call us Darwinists and Evolutionists. Does that mean we can call them IDiots?
- They call themselves Texans for Better Science Education! but
they want to teach Intelligent Design in the science classroom! Read the following to understand why the ID movement LOST
their court case in Dover, PA. Kitzmiller et al. vs.
Dover Area School District et al. Memorandum Opinion 20 Dec 2005 by Judge John E. Jones III.
'Scientific and legal arguments alike have demonstrated time and again
that ID "theory" not only has no demonstrable scientific basis (i.e.,
it cannot be falsified by any scientific protocol), but "is an
interesting theological argument" and constitutes a religious
assertion.' -- Professor Ron Wetherington, SMU Anthropology
- Educate Yourself - Colloidal Silver | Chemtrails | Aliens | Thousands more!
- Yahoo! listing of Paranormal
Phenomena - the mother lode of Antiscience
Some good science, some bad science *
Good News *
Bad News * a.k.a. Infotainment
- FOX "News" - a.k.a. Fox Noise - ultraconservative Rupert Murdoch's unfair and
unbalanced views
- The Rush Limbaugh Show - ditto!
- CNN's Larry King Live - which keeps
providing a forum for "psychic" mediums like John Edward and Sylvia Browne
Good Entertainment * - Hone your logic skills with these
- NPR's Car Talk - listen to Click and Clack diagnose car trouble
using inductive reasoning
- featuring The Puzzler - weekly logic puzzles
(be sure to check the archive)
- Columbo - the TV
detective catches murderers through induction
- Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's detective who, despite claiming to use
deduction, actually uses induction
- The Mensa Workout logic quiz, but don't actually
join Mensa until they stop believing in psi phenomena
- Postmodern Essay Generator -
A parody of the postmodern school of academic writing written by Andrew
C. Bulhak, using a system for generating random text.
In the opinion of the instructors and other rational people.