/* * window.contentId is the variable to be used by Belo to specify the location * in the site. * The home page should have a null contentId */ window.contentId = null; window.activeTop = null; window.activeSub = null; window.activeLi = null; window.hideTimeout = null; window.currentTopNav = null; window.hoverTimeout = 300; // change this value to set the hover timeout function highlightNavigation() { var hierarchy = new Array(); hierarchy.push(window.contentId); currentPage = window.contentId; // if the element is not found, return if(pageArray[currentPage] == null) { return; } while (pageArray[currentPage] != 'null') { hierarchy.push(pageArray[currentPage]); currentPage = pageArray[currentPage]; } var topNavElem = document.getElementById("topNav" + hierarchy[hierarchy.length - 1]); topNavElem.className = "topNav_on"; window.activeTop = topNavElem; window.currentTopNav = topNavElem; } function findPosX(obj) { var curleft = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.x) curleft += obj.x; return curleft; } function findPosY(obj) { var curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.y) curtop += obj.y; return curtop; } function showSubNav(parentId, childId, force) { if(force == 1) { hideSubNav(); } else if(window.activeTop != null) return; window.clearInterval(window.hideTimeout); window.hideTimeout = null; var subNav = document.getElementById(childId); var parent = document.getElementById(parentId); parent.className = "topNav_on"; window.activeTop = parent; if(subNav != null) { var parent_bottom = findPosY(parent) + parent.offsetHeight; var parent_x_position = findPosX(parent); if(isIE) { subNav.style.left = parent_x_position + "px"; subNav.style.top = parent_bottom - 8 + "px"; } else { subNav.style.left = parent_x_position + "px"; subNav.style.top = parent_bottom - 7 + "px"; } subNav.style.visibility="visible"; window.activeSub = subNav; } } function hideSubNav() { window.clearInterval(window.hideTimeout); window.hideTimeout = null; if (window.activeTop != null) { window.activeTop.className = "topNav"; window.activeTop = null; } if (window.activeSub != null) { window.activeSub.style.visibility="hidden"; window.activeSub = null; } // return to current page highlight if one is specified if(window.currentTopNav != null) { window.currentTopNav.className = "topNav_on"; window.activeTop = window.currentTopNav; } } // highlights a subnav list item on mouseover function highlightSubnavLi(divObj) { window.clearInterval(window.hideTimeout); window.hideTimeout = null; if(window.activeLi != null) { window.activeLi.className = ""; } divObj.className = "onLink"; window.activeLi = divObj; } // removes highlight from the subnav list item function deHighlightSubnavLi(divObj) { divObj.className = ""; window.activeLi = null; } function startHideTimeout() { window.clearInterval(window.hideTimeout); window.hideTimeout = null; window.hideTimeout = window.setInterval("hideSubNav()", window.hoverTimeout); }