AIDS Denial is Pseudoscience

"AIDS denial is a curious perversion of skepticism."
--Robert L. Park, Professor of Physics and author of Voodoo Science

First, let's get our facts straight.

HIV causes AIDS

The scientific evidence is overwhelming and has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals, the way science is supposed to be done.

Time to put your evidence where your mouth is

If you have evidence that HIV does not cause AIDS, please publish it immediately in a tier-1 peer-reviewed medical journal such as JAMA, NEJM, or the Lancet and I shall be happy to read it. Or maybe you can cite an article that has already been published in the last five years? If you can't do either of these things, then you really need to stop bothering me.

The HIV-AIDS Deniers

A small (very small) but vocal (very vocal) minority.

In case you still have any doubts

Let me steal a line from the Great Dane, Victor Borge:
I'd like to thank scientists everywhere for making this webpage possible... and David Crowe, Harvey Bialy, and Michael Geiger for making it necessary. Now ask yourself: Is the behavior of Crowe, Bialy, and Geiger typical of science? Or does it more closely resemble pseudoscience?

What is their motivation?

This is a difficult question. I have no idea what drives irrational beliefs. Here are some conjectures:

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