Intelligent Design Creationism
Is Not Science
"Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology" and "intelligent design is not a scientific concept."
--John Marberger, President George W. Bush's science adviser, responding to Bush's suggestion that we teach intelligent design creationism in public schools
Intelligent Design Creationism is not science; it makes no testable predictions so it can not be falsified. Intelligent Design Creationism is a belief system; it is religion.
Ask a proponent of Intelligent Design Creationism what experiment could in principle be performed and what result could possibly be obtained that would convince him that Intelligent Design Creationism is wrong. If there is no such experiment and no such result, then the "theory" is not falsifiable and is, in fact, a construct. The Discovery Institute (2005) says, "Of course there's no way to falsify a mere assertion that a cosmic designer exists. This much we are agreed on."Evolution is easily tested. Show me fossil remains of a cat or dog in a pre-Cambrian layer of rock. Show me any lifeform on Earth that does not share half of its DNA with single-celled yeast. This would convince any rational person that evolution is wrong. The recent finds of Tiktaalik and human chromosome number 2 are very powerful tests of evolution and both confirmed evolution.
Proponents of Intelligent Design Creationism do not publish their results in peer-reviewed science journals.
Here is Bill Dembski's rather weak explanation/excuse: "I've just gotten kind of blase about submitting things to journals where you often wait two years to get things into print," he says. "And I find I can actually get the turnaround faster by writing a book and getting the ideas expressed there. My books sell well. I get a royalty. And the material gets read more."Or maybe he can't get his work past the editors and reviewers because it's BAD SCIENCE. It's interesting to compare this with the AIDS deniers' reasons for not publishing their nonsense in peer-reviewed research journals. Global Warming deniers and Holocaust deniers have the same problem. A skeptic would say, "First publish your argument in a peer-reviewed journal, then I shall read it."
This new stealth version of creationism is trying to distance itself from its fundamentalist religious origins by referring to an "Intelligent Designer" for legal reasons, specifically to evade the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Robert Carroll on the SkepDic Intelligent Design webpage says, "There is also much hypocrisy and deceit in a movement that does not refer to God in published documents as the intelligent designer, but opens its public presentations with a Christian prayer and doesn't hesitate to refer to God when alternatives such as aliens as the designers are brought up".Ask a proponent of Intelligent Design Creationism if he really believes that the "Designer" could be an advanced space alien. Who designed the alien, then?
Could the "Designer" be a non-Christian god, like Odin, Zeus, or Brahman?
Could the "Designer" be another supernatural figure
recognized within Christianity? "Of course not!", he will say. Ask him why not.
Who says that Intelligent Design is the same as Creationism?
1. Scientists
National Academy of Science and Institute of Medicine published
Science, Evolution, and Creationism
2. Federal Court
Kitzmiller et al. vs.
Dover Area School District et al. Memorandum Opinion 20 Dec 2005 by Judge John E. Jones III
Thomas More Law Center - motto: "The Sword and the Shield for People of Faith"
3. Religions
United Methodist Church, Roman Catholic Church, 10000 signatories of
The Clergy Letter Project
Vatican conference will give intelligent design critical study
4. Ironically, the proponents of ID say this.
An analysis by Dr. Barbara Forrest
of editions of the ID textbook Of Pandas and People
before and after the 1987 Supreme Court decision in Edwards v. Aguillard
showed undeniably that ID and creationism are identical.
Before: "Creation means that various forms of life began abruptly
through the agency of an intelligent Creator with their distinctive
features already intact fish with fins and scales, birds with feathers,
beaks, and wings, etc."
After: "Intelligent design means that various forms of life began abruptly through an intelligent agency, with their distinctive features already intact fish with fins and scales, birds with feathers, beaks, and wings, etc."
New! For those of you who think incorrectly that both sides of every issue should be presented just to be fair, a webpage cataloguing all of the scientific evidence in favor of Intelligent Design Creationism and a list of all the articles published by Intelligent Design Creationism proponents in peer-reviewed science journals showing that Intelligent Design Creationism is a valid research program.
The Pro-ID Webpage
Logical Fallacies: a basis of ID/C arguments
You have learned a lot about logical fallacies from both Browne and Keeley, and Schick and Vaughn. By looking through common ID/C proponents arguments regarding Natural Selection and ID/C, you can spot immediately a number of logical fallacies in common use as "evidence" of their ideas.- False Dichotomy: ID/C proponents imply that if Natural Selection is
wrong, ID/C must be correct. This is a false dichotomy, implying there
is only one alternative to Natural Selection should it fail a
test. Is young Earth fundamentalism the only alternative hypothesis
if the atomic theory fails? Is young Earth fundamentalism the
only alternative if the theory of plate tectonics fails? Is
young Earth fundamentalism the only alternative if
the germ theory of disease fails? What about if the
theory of gravity fails? Now, having considered that,
ask yourself this: is young Earth fundamentalism the only
alternative if Natural Selection fails?
- Ad Hominem: ID/C proponents, like their predecessors in the
Creation Science movement, like to make personal attacks on
biologists and other scientists rather than confronting
established scientific ideas in the scientific literature.
For a recent example, science writer Carl Zimmer asked
a blogger for the Discovery Institute for evidence for a claim
the blogger was making. Mr. Zimmer was first ignored
and then told to buy a book published by the Discovery
Institute to get his answers. He was also invited to participate
in a debate rather than given the information he requested.
Mr. Zimmer persisted in asking
for the evidence without having to buy a book or participate
in a debate first.
The blogger, David Klinghoffer, then wrote:
"Carl hasn't read the book and now, having ducked out of a proper debate,
he can go on denouncing it without ever having read it. He's perfectly
willing to waste our time on Facebook, where the phrase
'pecked to death by ducks' comes to mind." (Evolution News and Views.
"We Called Out Darwinist Critic Carl Zimmer, and He Folded." David Klinghoffer.
July 19, 2012.).
- Straw Man: ID/C proponents distort (either intentionally
or unintentionally) the principles of Natural Selection is order
to make them easier to knock down. For example, Michael Behe in an
interview with the Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness
Center (a pro-ID/C organization, despite their name), said,
"In Darwin's Black Box I argued that at least some very complex
biochemical systems found in cells required purposeful design.
However, some aspects of biology are simple, and could have appeared
by chance in a Darwinian fashion." (Lopez, Mario A. "An Interview with Dr. Michael J. Behe"). Behe wrongly implies that (1) Natural Selection
(which he labels "Darwinian", although that label is
also inaccurate) can only create biological structure
randomly and (2) that complexity is not possible from
simplicity. Neither of these are true, either about Natural Selection
(the selection part of Natural Selection is purposeful, as
through a predator) or complexity (in fact, the complexity
of ice crystals is easily explained by the basic
geometric and chemical properties of water molecules, which
are very simple). Behe sets up a straw man - a false
picture of Natural Selection - so he can more easily knock it down.
- Argument from ignorance: ID/C proponents make claims along
the line of, "because we don't know how X arises, Natural
Selection is wrong and ID/C is correct." Just because we do
not know, does not mean we cannot know. Argument from ignorance
is the entire basis of "Irreducible Complexity," the core
idea of ID/C wherein some biological structures seem too complex
to be explained by Natural Selection. This represents a mere
lack of creativity on the part of ID/C proponents; real scientists
will spend time (sometimes decades) and resources doing experiments
to understand the structure rather than declaring we cannot know.
- Burden of proof: ID/C proponents are the ones who need to
demonstrate positive reproducible scientific evidence for their
claims, but instead they often demand scientisits prove them wrong.
It's impossible to prove that God or another intelligent designers
doesn't exist - you cannot prove a negative. This amounts to
a purely non-scientific request.
- Moving the goalposts: ID/C proponents have done this repeatedly.
They describe a biological system that they claim is evidence
for ID because Natural Selection has not explained it. Then,
it is explained by Natural Selection (e.g. the eye, the immune
system, the bird wing, the bacterium flagellum). They then go
and find another structure and make the claim again. They are
never going to accept evidence for Natural Selection, so they
just "move the goal posts" again and ask scientists jump
through another, new hoop.
- Special pleading: ID/C proponents claim they must use the
law to force their ideas into public school classrooms because
the science community won't take them seriously. But science
is not democratic - while everyone is free to propose ideas,
ideas themselves live or die by their usefulness in surviving the
scientific method. ID/C ideas create no new information, make
useless or untestable predictions, and allow no progress to
be made in the natural world. Their ideas get no consideration
in the science community as a result. Their use of law to
get their way, when normal scientists don't need to do this,
is a form of special pleading.
Intelligent Design Creationism
- Ed Brayton The Dover Trial
- The latest on evolution from the Vatican: Evolution="indisputable" while intelligent design="intrinsically non-disprovable" (therefore NOT science)
- Intelligent Design (ID) from The Skeptic's Dictionary.
- Intelligent Design (ID) from Wikipedia. See also
- Wedge Strategy
- Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District
- Of Pandas and People
- Missing link: "cdesign proponentsists" This is what happens when you globally replace "creationists" with "design proponents" without proofreading
- Teach the Controversy
- Irreducible Complexity
- Discovery Institute
- Creationism
- Send in the Creationist Clowns and Watch Science Education Suffer by Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D., Founder, The Clergy Letter Project
- War of the Weasels An Evolutionary Algorithm Beats Intelligent Design - by Dave Thomas in Skeptical Inquirer, May/June 2010
- An Evolving Creation by Jeremy Mohn featuring
- Collapse of a Texas Quote Mine - Analyze Texas State Board of Ignorance's Don McLeroy's list of quotes
- Darwinism Must Die So That Evolution May Live - NY Times February 9, 2009
- Vatican buries the hatchet with Charles Darwin - NY Times February 11, 2009
The Vatican has admitted that Charles Darwin was on the right track when he claimed that Man descended from apes.
- The Clergy Letter Project - An Open Letter Concerning Religion and Science
- - Science Education at Risk
- Scientific American Magazine - the January 2009 issue is devoted to evolution.
- Intelligent Design or Intelligible Design? It's a matter of faith - by Frederick Grinnell, The Chronicle of Higher Education, from the issue dated January 9, 2009
- The Latest Face of Creationism in the Classroom by Glenn Branch and Eugenie C. Scott, Scientific American, December 2008
- National Center for Science Education Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public Schools
- Creation and Intelligent Design Watch from CSICOP
- Texas Citizens for Science
- Defend Science featuring
- The 21st-Century Science Coalition
- Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design
- Evo.Sphere
- The Wedge Strategy from - The Critic's Resource on AntiEvolution
- Understanding The Intelligent Design Creationist Movement by Barbara Forrest, Ph.D.- a position paper from the The Center for Inquiry
- Intelligent Design? from Natural History
- Evolution Denialism from
- Why the Intelligent Design "Theory" is Bullshit
- Scientific Societies Rejecting Intelligent Design Creationism
- Intelligent design has no place in science, biologist Ayala says
"The theory of intelligent design cannot be tested -- there isn't any evidence, any research or any hypothesis... It is not a scientific theory. It has not generated peer-reviewed publications. It has not been the subject of any testing or research." - Tinkering with Creation: Intelligent Design 2.0 by Lauri Lebo
- Zombie Jamboree in Texas by Glenn Branch
(local copy)
Three creationists were just appointed to a six-member committee to review a draft set of Texas state biology standards
by the Young-Earth faction of the State Board of Ignornace... I mean Education.
- Evolution: How We Know it Happened and Why it Matters - Dr. Donald Prothero
- "Is It Science Yet?: Intelligent Design Creationism and the Constitution" by Matthew J. Brauer, Barbara Forrest, and Steven G. Gey in Washington University Law Quarterly 83 (1)
- "It Is Alive", by Gregory A. Petsko, ASBMB Today, August 2008 - page 1, page 2
- Evolution and the Fossil Record by Pojeta and Springer
Numerous lines of evidence show that life has changed through time. Evolution is the best
scientific explanation for this change. This booklet describes a small portion of the evidence for
this change, especially as documented by the fossil record, and outlines the processes involved
in evolution. Many fascinating questions remain concerning the history of life and the process
through which it has developed. As we continue to learn about life on Earth, the theory of
evolution will itself evolve. That is the strength, adventure, and excitement of doing science!
- Intelligent Design is Not Science, and Should Not Join Evolution in the Classroom by Glenn Branch, US News & World Report, February 2, 2009
- Creationism and Intelligent Design Should Be Kept Out of the Classroom by John Aloysius Farrell, US News & World Report, February 3, 2009
- Priest doubts accuracy of creationism - Coyne, who was director of the Vatican Observatory in Italy until his retirement in 2006, said intelligent design, or creationism, "belittles God."
- The Evolution Debate - Guest editorial by George V. Coyne, Director Emeritus of the Vatican Observatory. The Physics Teacher January 2008.
- Show Me the Science - By Daniel C. Dennett in The New York Times 28 August 2005
- Thank God for Evolution by Michael Dowd, the "Evolutionary Evangelist"
- Devolution in Education - by Laurie Barker James, Forth Worth Weekly, September 3, 2008
- So-called Intelligent Design is Not Science - Adapted from NCAS Skeptical Eye, Volume 18, Number 1, 2006
- Random Walking by Richard E. Dickerson
- From RNA to Humans - A Symposium on Evolution, Rockefeller University, 1-2 May 2008
- What is...'Intelligent Design?'
by Terence Kealey, from The Times (London) December 18, 2004.
Quoting from the story: "... theories of intelligent design and creationism are transparently absurd and driven not by a search for truth but by faith." - "Evolution and Intelligent Design" from the Diane Rehm Show (NPR) August 4, 2005
- Rev. Ridiculous doesn't speak well for intelligent design - If Intelligent Design Creationism is science and not religion, then why is the Reverend Pat Robertson upset?
- Intelligent Design: The New Creationism Threatens All of Science and Society from the American Physical Society (APS)
- Chapter 11: "Creation Science" 2.0 excerpt from The Republican War on Science by Chris Mooney
- The Plot to Kill Evolution Inside the Crusade to Bring Creationism 2.0 to America's Classrooms - Wired, October 2004.
- Intelligent Design from An Index to Creationist Claims at The TalkOrigins Archive
- Intelligent Design 101: Short on science, long on snake oil by James Curtsinger, The Minnesota Daily 11 October 2005
- Sandwalk - Strolling with a skeptical biochemist by Laurence A. Moran
- Ohmygod! These photographs are faked!
- Peppered Moths and the Confused IDiots
- Who Is David Tyler?
- Fossil Horses and Directed Evolution
- Intelligent Design Creationism: Frontloading
- Defining Irreducible Complexity
- Where's the Evidence for Intelligent Design Creationism?
- Creationist Delusions about Transitional Fossils and Information
- Propaganda Techniques: Appeal to Stupidity
- Casey Luskin Gets it Wrong (Again)
- Are IDiots Creationists?
- Intelligent Design Creationism Is Anti-Science
- Do You Ever Wonder Why We Call them IDiots?
- Vestigial Structures Are Evidence of Evolution
- Prominent biology professor defends evolution, criticizes intelligent design by Chintan Desai in The California Aggie 05 April 2007
- Trial transcript of Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District Dover, Pennsylvania Intelligent Design Case from The TalkOrigins Archive
- Threw the Book at 'Em from the Scientific American blog 20 December 2005
- Pharyngula
- Thank you, Michael Behe by PZ Myers 20 December 2005
- Three years and counting by PZ Myers 7 April 2007
- Intelligent design - a pig that doesn't fly
- The Flagellum Unspun - The Collapse of "Irreducible Complexity" by Kenneth R. Miller
- The Emperor's New Designer Clothes by Victor J. Stenger
- Devolution - Why intelligent design isn't by H. Allen Orr
- Behe's Empty Box by John Catalano
- A reducibly complex mousetrap by John H. McDonald
Quoting from the website:
'To illustrate the concept of irreducible complexity, Behe uses the common snap mousetrap. "If any one of the components of the mousetrap (the base, hammer, spring, catch, or holding bar) is removed, then the trap does not function. In other words, the simple little mousetrap has no ability to trap a mouse until several separate parts are all assembled. Because the mousetrap is necessarily composed of several parts, it is irreducibly complex." (Behe, 1996).'
WRONG! - Fuz Rana vs. John Rennie on NPR's Glenn Mitchell show, KERA 90.1 FM Dallas, TX, July 9th, 2002 transcript
- Evolution for ID-iots on YouTube
- Seed - game of plant evolution
- "Evolving Inventions" by John R. Koza, Martin A. Keane and Matthew J. Streeter, Scientific American February 2003 p53
- Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory - parody of Intelligent Design from the Onion.
- And male nipples serve what intelligently designed purpose again?
- ID Creationist Bingo
- The reDiscovery Institute
- a parody of the Discovery Institute
- featuring the new periodic table
- Intelligent Design Society of Kansas FAQ (parody)
- SPORE - from EA Games (Now if someone would just make an Intelligent Design video game: begin, create the universe exactly as it is now, game over.)
- Teach the Controversy - Why stop with evolution vs. creationism? Teach both sides of EVERY science! Give the flat earth theory a chance in school. Did extraterrestrials build the pyramids? Remember, the heliocentric theory is just a theory!
- This bumper sticker and other paraphernalia from
- Texas State Education board opposes intelligent design in curricula
Even creationists say theory doesn't belong in class with evolution
Dallas Morning News, 23 August 2007 -- See the results of reader voting - How to get kicked off Bill Dembski's blog: Raise the question of the age of the Earth. The "big tent" is the fact that ID welcomes all views on the age of the Earth, including Young Earth Creationist views that the Earth is 6,000-10,000 years old!
- Evolution Is Not Up For Debate -- Except at Republican Debates
Quoting from the website: "Guillermo Gonzalez was denied tenure at Iowa State University. The Discovery Institute was shocked at this blatant disregard of the cherished principle of 'viewpoint diversity.' With Jay Richards, a theologian, Gonzalez wrote The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery. It's a daffy twist on the anthropic principle, which was already daffy enough. The simple fact is that his colleagues voted him off the island. It's not like he was tenured and then fired." --Robert Park, What's New Friday, May 18, 2007 - Flock of Dodos - The Evolution - Intelligent Design Circus
- Buy it at
- Read about it at the Internet Movie Database
- Kanas vs. Darwin - the movie!
- movie home page
- Kansas vs. Darwin house parties from Texas Freedom Network
- Darwin survives as the fittest - by Roger Ebert on February 11, 2009
- Expelled Exposed - learn the truth about Ben Stein's mockumentary
- Win Ben Stein's mind - Roger Ebert reviews Ben Stein's "Expelled"
- more on Ben Stein: "Darwinism cannot explain gravity" from Tony's curricublog - Tony Whitson's blog on curriculum-related matters
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed--Scientific American's Take June 2008
- Ben Stein's Expelled: No Integrity Displayed by John Rennie, Scientific American, June 2008
- Ben Stein's Expelled Exposed by Michael Shermer, Scientific American, June 2008
- Six Things in Expelled That Ben Stein Doesn't Want You to Know... ...about intelligent design and evolution - by John Rennie and Steve Mirsky, Scientific American, June 2008
- Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed-- Ben Stein Launches a Science-free Attack on Darwin by Michael Shermer, Scientific American
- Expelled Explained Science Talk Podcast hosted by Steve Mirsky
- YouTube videos
- Expelled from Expelled!
- Intelligent design film far worse than stupid - from MSNBC
- Why do people laugh at creationists? -
from YouTube, featuring
- Why Do People Laugh At Creationists? (pt. 23) - Ben Stein gets schooled
- David Berlinski and Whale Evolution - Berlinski gets
fact-checked and BUSTED!
- Von Neumann, Berlinski, and evolution: Who's the hooter? from the Panda's Thumb
- Response to "Dr. David Berlinski Destroys Evolution In Under 5 Minutes" from the YouTube Skeptic
- Intelligent Design vs. Evolution -- THE GAME!
From Living Waters Ministries' Ray Comfort (guess which side they take).
With an endorsement by Kirk Cameron, how can it possibly be trash?
- Banana: The Athiests Nightmare - Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. (No, they're not joking; they are completely serious.) Do you think Ray Comfort knows that the Cavendish banana that he is holding is a product of artificial selection BY HUMANS?
- The History of Creationist Thought by comedian Robin Ince
- This is just too funny!
Casey Luskin, Esquire, from has recently pointed out, referring to this very webpage,
"Their listing of course readings on ID lacks a single article that is friendly towards ID! ...
There is not a single article by an ID-proponent to balance out the 3 dozen or so articles that
they list in this "Intelligent Design" section."
- More Luskin Whining from Ed Brayton at addresses Luskin's criticism.
The SMU "Darwin vs. Design" event - 13,14 April 2007
The Texas State Board of Ignorance ... er, I mean Education
- - Science Education at Risk
- Tony's curricublog - Tony Whitson's blog on curriculum-related matters
- Texas State Board of Education + Evolution Google news archive search
2009 is Darwin Year
- Vatican celebrates Darwin - The Vatican is holding a conference next year to mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of the Species
Dallas-based Institute for Creation Research can't offer masters degrees in science education
- Creationism is fine, just don't call it science - Austin American-Statesman, 24 April 2008
- Texas higher education board rejects 'creation science' degree proposal - Dallas Morning News, 23 April 2008
Texas Education Agency Director of Science Christine Comer forced out over ID
- Latest in the TEA Monkey Trial - August 13th, 2008 at 5:47 pm, The Texas Observer blog
- Texas education official forced to resign over evolution from the National Center for Science Education
- Reaction to the Comer resignation from the National Center for Science Education
- Official Leaves Post as Texas Prepares to Debate Science Education Standards from the New York Times 2 Decemeber 2007
- Official forced out for telling the truth on intelligent design editorial from the Corpus Christi Caller Times
- Evolution and Texas editorial from the New York Times 4 December 2007
- Teaching of evolution to go under microscope by Karen Ayres Smith / The Dallas Morning News / 13 December 2007
- More articles from Google News
Ken Miller came to SMU!
Professor Kenneth R. Miller (Brown University Biology)"Time to Abandon Darwin? What the Collapse of 'Intelligent Design' means for Science & Faith in America"
15 November 2007 at 5:00pm Hughes Trigg Ballroom
Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial
NOVA - Tuesday 13 November 2007 on PBS at 7:00pm CST
with Professor Kenneth R. Miller (Preview on YouTube)
The Collapse of Intelligent Design - Ken Miller at Case Western Reserve University 2005, 2hr
Recommended: Ken Miller's 'Only a Theory'
Here are the first three parts of a very entertaining presentation Ken Miller gave at the University of Texas-Austin, titled "God, Darwin, and Design - Lessons from the Dover Monkey Trial."
"Intelligent Design is not Science" guest
lecture by Professor John Wise (SMU Biology) 19 November 2008
Intelligent Design is not Science
guest lecture by Professor John Wise (SMU Biology) 18 April 2007
(Un)Intelligent Design guest
lecture by Professor John Wise (SMU Biology) 17 April 2006
Kitzmiller et al. vs.
Dover Area School District et al. Memorandum Opinion
20 Dec 2005 by Judge John E. Jones III
Taken to School: An Interview with the Honorable Judge John E. Jones, III
- by Jane Gitschier in PLoS Genetics, December 5, 2008
Supplement to Expert Witness Report : Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District by Dr. Barbara Forrest
Intelligent Design Creationism Proponents (Cdesign Proponentsists)
- Phillip Johnson - father of the Intelligent Design Creationism movement and
AIDS denier.
- Michael Behe - professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University
- but read the Biochemistry Department Position on Evolution and "Intelligent Design"
- Michael Behe from The TalkOrigins Archive
- Charles Garner - professor of chemistry and biochemistry at Baylor University
- but read the Chemistry Department's Statement on Evolution
- and the Biology Department's Statement on Evolution
- and the Geology Department's position on
Does the fossil record support the idea of biological change over time (biological evolution)?
- William Dembski
Rather than testifying in the Kitzmiller case, Bill Dembski removed himself as a witness for the defense (why, pray tell?)
and instead posted this animation complete with flatulence sound effects.
- Bwa ha ha! Quoting from the website:
"Just when you think the ID guys can't get any sillier and more immature, you see stuff like this." --Nick Matzke
- Judge Jones School of Law posted by Bill Dembski himself
Let's see ... what words would describe this?
Unscholarly? Anti-intellectual?
Academic unprofessionalism?
Flatulence removed from "The Judge Jones School of Law" - Bill Dembski's own words, folks.
- Jonathan Wells
- Scott Minnich
- Steve Fuller
- Stephen Meyer
- Bruce Chapman
- David Berlinski
Intelligent Design Creationism Opponents
Every Ph.D. biologist, chemist, geologist, physicist, etc. in the world (except Behe and Wells), but especially
Read these and learn some science
The Origin of Species: By Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
by Charles Darwin
Read it online for free! Here is another
online version.
Darwin's Ghost: The Origin of Species Updated by Steve Jones
- Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent
Design by Barbara Forrest and Paul R. Gross
- Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics: Philosophical, Theological, and Scientific Perspectives by Robert T. Pennock (Editor)
Evolution vs. Creationism : An Introduction by Eugenie C. Scott
Not in Our Classrooms: Why Intelligent Design Is Wrong for Our Schools by Eugenie C. Scott and Glenn Branch
Why Intelligent Design Fails: A Scientific Critique of the New Creationism
edited by Matt Young and Taner Edis
The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design by Richard Dawkins
Why Darwin Matters: The Case Against Intelligent Design by Michael Shermer
- The Counter-Creationism Handbook by Mark Isaak
- The Dover Books Cometh from the Panda's Thumb
- Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's Soul by Edward Humes
- 40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, OxyContin®, and Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvania by Matthew Chapman (the great-great-grandson of Charles Darwin!)
- The Battle Over the Meaning of Everything: Evolution, Intelligent Design, and a School Board in Dover, PA by Gordy Slack
- The Devil in Dover: A Journalist's Story of Dogma v. Darwin in Small-town America by Lauri Lebo
- God on Trial: Dispatches from America's Religious Battlefields by Peter Irons
- The Panda's Black Box: Opening up the Intelligent Design Controversy Nathaniel C. Comfort (Editor)
or read these and ... um ... don't learn any science
- Of Pandas and People:
The Central Question of Biological Origins by Percival Davis and Dean H. Kenyon
Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology by William Dembski
The Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions About Intelligent Design by William A. Dembski
Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael J. Behe
- A Review of Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Robert Dorit from American Scientist
- Darwin v. Intelligent Design (Again) - a review by H. Allen Orr of Darwin's Black Box
- A Review of Darwin's Black Box by Keith Robison
- The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism by Michael J. Behe
- EVOLUTION: God as Genetic Engineer review by Sean B. Carroll in Science
Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong by Jonathan Wells
10 Answers to Jonathan Wells' "10 Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher"
- ICONS OF EVOLUTION? Why much of what Jonathan Wells writes about evolution is wrong by Alan D. Gishlick
- Ohmygod! These photographs are faked!
- Peppered Moths and the Confused IDiots
- Fossil Horses and Directed Evolution
- The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards
- Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds by Phillip E. Johnson
- Darwin on Trial by Phillip E. Johnson
- "In making this determination, we have addressed the seminal
question of whether ID is science. We have concluded that it is not,
and moreover that ID cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and
thus religious, antecedents."
--Judge John E. Jones III, Kitzmiller et al. vs.
Dover Area School District et al. Memorandum Opinion
20 Dec 2005
- "Intelligent design isn't science, even though it pretends to be.
If you want to teach it in schools, intelligent
design should be taught when religion or cultural history
is taught, not science."
--Reverend George V. Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory
"We find that science's descriptions of cosmological, geological,
and biological evolution are not in conflict with theology." and
"Therefore be it resolved that the General Conference of the United
Methodist Church go on record as opposing the introduction of any
faith-based theories such as Creationism or Intelligent Design into
the science curriculum of our public schools."
--The United Methodist Church at its General Convention 2008
- "Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology" and "intelligent
design is not a scientific concept."
--John Marberger, President George W. Bush's science adviser, responding to
Bush's suggestion that we teach intelligent design in the schools
- "ID leaders know the benefits of submitting their work to independent
review and have established at least two purportedly "peer-reviewed"
journals for ID articles. However, one has languished for want of
material and quietly ceased publication, while the other has a more
overtly philosophical orientation. Both journals employ a weak
standard of "peer review" that amounts to no more than vetting by the
editorial board or society fellows."
--Matthew J. Brauer, Barbara Forrest, and Steven G. Gey in
"Is It Science Yet?: Intelligent Design Creationism and the Constitution" Washington University Law Quarterly 83 (1)
- "To explain the origin of the DNA/protein machine by invoking a
supernatural Designer is to explain precisely nothing, for it leaves
unexplained the origin of the Designer. You have to say something like
'God was always there', and if you allow yourself that kind of lazy
way out, you might as well just say 'DNA was always there', or "Life
was always there', and be done with it."
--Richard Dawkins,
The Blind
Watchmaker : Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without
Design p. 141
- "The old argument of design in nature, as given by Paley, which
formerly seemed to me to be so conclusive, fails, now that the law of
natural selection has been discovered. We can no longer argue that,
for instance, the beautiful hinge of a bivalve shell must have been
made by an intelligent being, like the hinge of a door by man. There
seems to be no more design in the variability of organic beings and in
the action of natural selection, than in the course which the wind
--Charles Darwin from The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
- "While we respect Prof. Behe's right to express his views, they are
his alone and are in no way endorsed by the department. It is our
collective position that intelligent design has no basis in science,
has not been tested experimentally, and should not be regarded as
--Lehigh University Biochemistry Department Position on Evolution and "Intelligent Design"
- "Pseudoscientists make poorly substantiated or demonstrably false claims and refuse to relinquish them
when shown the counterevidence. 'Scientific' creationism and its 2.0 version, 'intelligent design,' provide
the canonical examples of the conservative embrace of pseudoscience. Creationists and intelligent design
proponents claim to act scientifically, but in fact they do little more than spread scientific-sounding
arguments in defense of a biblical or religious agenda. It is doubtful whether any amount of evidence
would change their minds."
--Chris Mooney in The Republican War on Science p. 22
- "Dembski's law of conservation of information and the rest of
Intelligent Design are not just pseudoscience, they are wrong pseudoscience."
--Victor J. Stenger in The Emperor's New Designer Clothes
- "Incorporating intelligent design into science classrooms is an obvious impediment
to scientific progress."
--Alan J. Scott in "Danger! Scientific Inquiry Hazard" Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 31, No. 3, May/June 2007
- "Let's not kid ourselves. Regardless of superficial scientific appearances, intelligent design
was fabricated by a handful of Christian apologists with the mission of discrediting evolution
and of bringing conservative Christian values into public school classrooms."
--Charles L. Rulon in "Debating Creationists" Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 31, No. 3, May/June 2007
- "... putting intelligent design in opposition to Darwin is like
offering a program on faith healing versus oncology. Faith healing is
worth discussing, but not as a scientific alternative to medical
treatment ..."
--Lee Cullum, "A problem at its genesis,"
Dallas Morning News Opinion Viewpoints 4 April 2007.
Quotations from ID proponents
I thought you guys claim that ID is science and not religion. Your own words say something quite different:
- "Intelligent design is just the Logos theology of John's Gospel restated
in the idiom of information theory."
--William Dembski, Signs of intelligence: A primer on the
discernment of intelligent design. Touchstone 12(4) (Jul/Aug 1999): 76-84.
- "the conceptual soundness of a scientific theory cannot be maintained apart from Christ"
--William Dembski, Intelligent Design: The Bridge between Science and Theology, 1998, p. 209
- "As a Christian man, yes, I do believe it is God as the divine power and as the intelligent designer of evolution."
--William Dembski, Darwin's Unpaid Debt, Baylor University 22 October 2008
- "Our strategy has been to change the subject a bit so that we can
get the issue of intelligent design, which really means the reality of
God, before the academic world and into the schools."
--Phillip Johnson, American Family Radio, 10 January 2003.
- "there are no peer reviewed articles by anyone advocating for
intelligent design supported by pertinent experiments or calculations
which provide detailed rigorous accounts of how intelligent design of
any biological system occurred."
--Michael Behe, 2005
- "Father's words, my studies, and my prayers convinced me that I
should devote my life to destroying Darwinism, just as many of my
fellow Unificationists had already devoted their lives to destroying
--Jonathan Wells, Darwinism: Why I Went for a Second Ph.D.
(Incidentally, the person whom Wells calls "Father" is
Sun Myung Moon,
founder of the Unification Church which is also known as the "Moonies", and the ultraconservative Washington Times.)
- "Many states have brought in Intelligent Design but they have
called it science. A design needs a designer which is god. It's
religion, not science."
--William Nowers, one of the founders of
Creation and Evolution Studies Ministry and author of the book,
Creation-Evolution and a Nation in Distress, being surprisingly honest
about the goals of "intelligent design"/creationism proponents. His
ministry is making an effort to put religion in science classes in
- Eric Rothschild: But you are clear, under your definition, the
definition that sweeps in intelligent design, astrology is also a
scientific theory, correct?
Michael Behe: Yes, that's correct.
--Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, Trial transcript: Day 11 (October 18, 2005), PM Session, Part 1
- "We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture."
--Ray Mummert, Dover PA pastor
- More quotations from ID proponents can be found in
The Horse's Mouth
by Brian Poindexter, 2003.
Science is intolerant. Science is biased. Science does not operate
democratically. Not every idea is worthy of inclusion in the vast
system of knowledge. We don't teach astrology in the astronomy
courses. We don't teach alchemy in the chemistry courses. We don't
teach Holocaust denial in the history courses. Intelligent Design Creationism
is pseudoscience masquerading as science, and as such it deserves the
attention it receives in our course.
Lecture Video and Audio
- but read the Biochemistry Department Position on Evolution and "Intelligent Design"
- Michael Behe from The TalkOrigins Archive
- but read the Chemistry Department's Statement on Evolution
- and the Biology Department's Statement on Evolution
- and the Geology Department's position on Does the fossil record support the idea of biological change over time (biological evolution)?
Rather than testifying in the Kitzmiller case, Bill Dembski removed himself as a witness for the defense (why, pray tell?)
and instead posted this animation complete with flatulence sound effects.
- Bwa ha ha! Quoting from the website: "Just when you think the ID guys can't get any sillier and more immature, you see stuff like this." --Nick Matzke
- Judge Jones School of Law posted by Bill Dembski himself
Let's see ... what words would describe this? Unscholarly? Anti-intellectual? Academic unprofessionalism? - Flatulence removed from "The Judge Jones School of Law" - Bill Dembski's own words, folks.
Read these and learn some science
Read it online for free! Here is another
online version.
- Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's Soul by Edward Humes
- 40 Days and 40 Nights: Darwin, Intelligent Design, God, OxyContin®, and Other Oddities on Trial in Pennsylvania by Matthew Chapman (the great-great-grandson of Charles Darwin!)
- The Battle Over the Meaning of Everything: Evolution, Intelligent Design, and a School Board in Dover, PA by Gordy Slack
- The Devil in Dover: A Journalist's Story of Dogma v. Darwin in Small-town America by Lauri Lebo
- God on Trial: Dispatches from America's Religious Battlefields by Peter Irons
- The Panda's Black Box: Opening up the Intelligent Design Controversy Nathaniel C. Comfort (Editor)
or read these and ... um ... don't learn any science
- A Review of Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Robert Dorit from American Scientist
- Darwin v. Intelligent Design (Again) - a review by H. Allen Orr of Darwin's Black Box
- A Review of Darwin's Black Box by Keith Robison
- EVOLUTION: God as Genetic Engineer review by Sean B. Carroll in Science
- 10 Answers to Jonathan Wells' "10 Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher"
- ICONS OF EVOLUTION? Why much of what Jonathan Wells writes about evolution is wrong by Alan D. Gishlick
- Ohmygod! These photographs are faked!
- Peppered Moths and the Confused IDiots
- Fossil Horses and Directed Evolution
--Judge John E. Jones III, Kitzmiller et al. vs. Dover Area School District et al. Memorandum Opinion 20 Dec 2005
--Reverend George V. Coyne, director of the Vatican Observatory
--The United Methodist Church at its General Convention 2008
--John Marberger, President George W. Bush's science adviser, responding to Bush's suggestion that we teach intelligent design in the schools
--Matthew J. Brauer, Barbara Forrest, and Steven G. Gey in "Is It Science Yet?: Intelligent Design Creationism and the Constitution" Washington University Law Quarterly 83 (1)
--Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker : Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design p. 141
--Charles Darwin from The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
--Lehigh University Biochemistry Department Position on Evolution and "Intelligent Design"
--Chris Mooney in The Republican War on Science p. 22
--Victor J. Stenger in The Emperor's New Designer Clothes
--Alan J. Scott in "Danger! Scientific Inquiry Hazard" Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 31, No. 3, May/June 2007
--Charles L. Rulon in "Debating Creationists" Skeptical Inquirer, Vol. 31, No. 3, May/June 2007
--Lee Cullum, "A problem at its genesis," Dallas Morning News Opinion Viewpoints 4 April 2007.
Quotations from ID proponents
I thought you guys claim that ID is science and not religion. Your own words say something quite different:
--William Dembski, Signs of intelligence: A primer on the discernment of intelligent design. Touchstone 12(4) (Jul/Aug 1999): 76-84.
--William Dembski, Intelligent Design: The Bridge between Science and Theology, 1998, p. 209
--William Dembski, Darwin's Unpaid Debt, Baylor University 22 October 2008
--Phillip Johnson, American Family Radio, 10 January 2003.
--Michael Behe, 2005
--Jonathan Wells, Darwinism: Why I Went for a Second Ph.D.
(Incidentally, the person whom Wells calls "Father" is Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church which is also known as the "Moonies", and the ultraconservative Washington Times.)
--William Nowers, one of the founders of Creation and Evolution Studies Ministry and author of the book, Creation-Evolution and a Nation in Distress, being surprisingly honest about the goals of "intelligent design"/creationism proponents. His ministry is making an effort to put religion in science classes in Virginia.
Michael Behe: Yes, that's correct.
--Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, Trial transcript: Day 11 (October 18, 2005), PM Session, Part 1
--Ray Mummert, Dover PA pastor