UFOs and Roswell

What are UFOs?

UFO stands for "Unidentified Flying Object". Let's look at each word:
  • Object = (Obvious.) Something.
  • Flying = (Obvious.) Not on the ground.
  • Unidentified = The person reporting it does not know what it is.
It's the third one that gets people in trouble.

In 1965, the year the Air Force issued a summary of its Project Blue Book findings, we find this breakdown of the 887 sightings documented:

  • Astronomical events 245 (27.6%)
  • Aircraft 210 (23.7%)
  • Satellites 152 (17.1%)
  • Hoaxes, imagination 126 (14.2%)
  • Insufficient data supplied 85 (9.6%)
  • Weather balloons 36 (4.1%)
  • Still being processed 17 (1.9%)
  • Unidentified 16 (1.8%)
from "Flim-Flam!" by James Randi, page 72.

Skeptical Inquirer Jan-Feb 2009; Vol.33, Issue 1 - the whole issue is devoted to UFOs

Here is a synthesis of the Roswell Myth

Flying Saucers and Frank Scully