var signin_url = ""; var str_QueryString =; var search = "img"; var extra_params = ""; if(__requires_registration() == true) { if (document.cookie.length > 0) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If we get here then there are some cookies defined. var offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset != -1) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // If we get here, then the cookie exists. } else { if(extra_params != "") { window.resizeTo(800,600); } window.location.replace(signin_url + document.URL + extra_params); } } else { if(extra_params != "") { window.resizeTo(800,600); } window.location.replace(signin_url + document.URL + extra_params); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // __requires_registration() -- Determines whether the current page requires // registration before it can be viewed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function __requires_registration() { var str_HostName = self.location.hostname; var str_PathName = self.location.pathname; if(str_HostName == "") { var ary_DirNames = str_PathName.split("/"); if(ary_DirNames.length > 1) { if(ary_DirNames[1] == "contests") { if(ary_DirNames.length > 2) { if(ary_DirNames[2] != "micasa") { return yes; } } } else if(ary_DirNames[1] == "promotions") { return true; } } } else if(str_HostName == "") { var ary_DirNames = str_PathName.split("/"); if(ary_DirNames.length > 1) { if(ary_DirNames[1] == "search") { return true; } } } else if((str_HostName == "") && ((str_QueryString.indexOf("s_username=safree") != -1) || (str_QueryString.indexOf("mysa_login=1") == -1))) { window.location.replace("" + document.URL); } return false; } function WriteDebug(t){ if(str_QueryString != null && str_QueryString.indexOf('debug=1') != -1) { document.write(''+t+''); document.write('
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