// Global Video Params var objVideoPopup; var nativeWin = null; // Writes query string for on demand video clip. If hostDomain is passed then it uses it as the players base domain function playVideoClip(objID) { if (document.getElementById) { var objElement = document.getElementById(objID); var strQuery = 'ClipID1=' + objElement.getAttribute('ClipID') + '&'; strQuery += 'h1=' + escape(objElement.getAttribute('headline')) + '&'; strQuery += 'vt1=' + objElement.getAttribute('videoType') + '&'; strQuery += 'at1=' + escape(objElement.getAttribute('adTag')) + '&'; strQuery += 'd1=' + (objElement.getAttribute('duration')!=''? objElement.getAttribute('duration'): '0') + '&'; strQuery += (objElement.getAttribute('launchPageAdTag')!='' ? 'LaunchPageAdTag=' + objElement.getAttribute('launchPageAdTag') : ''); strQuery += '&activePane=info'; var hostDomain = objElement.getAttribute('hostDomain')!='' ? objElement.getAttribute('hostDomain'): ''; objVideoPopup = selectVideoPlayer(strQuery, null, hostDomain); } else { setVideoHelpPage(); } } //strClipID clip id //strHeadline - clip headline //strType - clip type //strAdTarget - clip ad target //strDuration = clip duration //strLaunchPageAdTag - clip launch page ad tag //strHostDomain domain to use when launching the player. For standalone clients we need to // specify our front end url. E.g. ww2.7online.com for WABC // Writes query string for on demand video clip. If hostDomain is passed then it uses it as the players base domain function playVideo(strClipID, strHeadline, strType, strAdTarget, strDuration, strlaunchPageAdTag, strQueryStringParams, strHostDomain){ if (document.getElementById && strClipID!='') { var strQueryString = 'ClipID1=' + strClipID + '&'; strQueryString += 'h1=' + (strHeadline!=''? escape(strHeadline): 'Video Clip') + '&'; strQueryString += 'vt1=' + (strType!=''? strType: 'V') + '&'; strQueryString += 'at1=' + (strAdTarget!=''? strAdTarget: 'Video Player') + '&'; strQueryString += 'd1=' + (strDuration!=''? strDuration: '0') + '&'; strQueryString += 'LaunchPageAdTag=' + (strlaunchPageAdTag!=''? strlaunchPageAdTag: ''); if(strQueryStringParams != '') strQueryString += '&' + strQueryStringParams; strQueryString += '&activePane=info'; //launch the player selectVideoPlayer(strQueryString, null, strHostDomain); } else { setVideoHelpPage(); } } // Writes query string for on demand video clip selected from featured video buckets function playVideoClips(formName){ if (document.getElementById){ var objElement; var strQuery = ''; var intCount = 1; var blnClipsSelected = false; var strDefaultPaneViewVar = "activePane=playlist"; var objForm = document.getElementById(formName); if (objForm.elements.length > 1){ try { strQuery += 'LaunchPageAdTag=' + objForm.LaunchPageAdTag.value + '&'; //for buffering ad strQuery += objForm.qsArgs.value + '&'; //for featured videos default drop down value and player frame image if specified } catch (e) {;} for (var i=0; i 1024) { //remove last clip properties and exit loop var index = strQuery.indexOf('ClipID' + (intCount - 1)); strQuery = strQuery.substr(0, index); break; } } } if (blnClipsSelected){ strQuery += strDefaultPaneViewVar; selectVideoPlayer(strQuery, null, null); } else { // if no checkbox is checked alert ('You must select at least one video.'); } } } else { setVideoHelpPage(); } } // Writes query string for live streaming video function playLiveVideo(strLiveURI, strHeadline, strAdTag, strHostDomain){ var strQuery = "vt1=l&d1=0&ClipId1=" + escape(strLiveURI) + "&LiveURI=" + escape(strLiveURI) + "&h1=" + strHeadline + "&at1=" + escape(strAdTag) + "&LiveURITitle=" + escape(strHeadline) + '&LaunchPageAdTag=' + strAdTag; selectVideoPlayer(strQuery, '', strHostDomain); } // Launches appropriate player for video function selectVideoPlayer(query, whichPlayer, hostDomain){ var whichPlayer = detectWMP(); switch (whichPlayer){ case '6': // For WMP6.4 users query += '&playerVersion=6'; if (hostDomain == '' || hostDomain == null){ var nativeURL = 'http://' + document.domain + '/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&' + query; } else { var nativeURL = 'http://' + hostDomain + '/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&' + query; } if (!window.GeckoActiveXObject){ location.href = nativeURL; } else { // For Netscape 7.1 users. Avoid setting the media address to the location field var playerFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); playerFrame.id = "nsPlayer"; playerFrame.width = "0"; playerFrame.height = "0"; playerFrame.style.visibility = ""; playerFrame.src = nativeURL; document.body.appendChild(playerFrame); } setVideoHelpPage(); break; case 'null': // For users who do not install any plugins setVideoHelpPage(); break; case 'mac': //for mac users with plugin installed launch native player, no need to display help page query += '&playerVersion=7'; if (hostDomain == '' || hostDomain == null){ var nativeURL = 'http://' + document.domain + '/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&os=mac&' + query; } else { var nativeURL = 'http://' + hostDomain + '/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&os=mac&' + query; } location.href = nativeURL; break; case 'mac-noPlugin': //for mac users without the wmp plugin installed display help page setVideoHelpPage('mac-noPlugin'); break; case 'gecko': query += '&playerVersion=7'; if (hostDomain == '' || hostDomain == null){ var nativeURL = 'http://' + document.domain + '/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&' + query; } else { var nativeURL = 'http://' + hostDomain + '/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&' + query; } var playerFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); playerFrame.id = "nsPlayer"; playerFrame.width = "0"; playerFrame.height = "0"; playerFrame.style.visibility = ""; playerFrame.src = nativeURL; document.body.appendChild(playerFrame); setVideoHelpPage(); break; case '.NetServer': // for .netServer 2003 launch in native mode without any help page query += '&playerVersion=7'; if (hostDomain == '' || hostDomain == null){ var nativeURL = 'http://' + document.domain + '/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&' + query; } else { var nativeURL = 'http://' + hostDomain + '/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&' + query; } location = nativeURL; break; default: // For WMP7 and above users query += '&playerVersion=' + whichPlayer + '&hostPageUrl=' + escape(document.location); //pop player launchPopupPlayer(query, hostDomain); ; break; } } function launchPopupPlayer(query, hostDomain){ var strHostDomain = ""; if (hostDomain == '' || hostDomain == null) strHostDomain = "http://" + document.domain; else strHostDomain = "http://" + hostDomain; //Reset the parent window name prior to launch popup player var windowName = self.name; if (windowName == "" || windowName != "CONTENT") { windowName = "CONTENT"; self.window.name = windowName; } var rnum = new Number(Math.floor(99999999 * Math.random()) + 1); var winWidth = 788; var winHeight = 568; var winTop = (screen.availHeight - winHeight)/2; var winLeft = (screen.availWidth - winWidth)/2; var winProps = 'width=' + winWidth + ',height=' + winHeight + 'menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,top=' + winTop + ',left=' + winLeft; var strUrl = strHostDomain + "/global/video/popup/pop_player.asp?" + query + "&rnd=" + rnum; var objWinPopup = null; objWinPopup = window.open(strUrl, 'WNVideoPlayer', winProps); try { if (objWinPopup!=null){ objWinPopup.focus(); } } catch (e) { self.blur(); } } //Detect ActiveX Architecture on Both IE and on Gecko //Defer to plugin architecture for other browsers function detectWMP(){ var player; var wmp64 = "MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1"; var wmp7 = "WMPlayer.OCX.7"; var detectionResult = "null"; try { // browser test : check for IE(PC) 5.0 and above and NS7.1 if ((window.ActiveXObject && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows') != -1)){ player = createActiveXObject(wmp7); if (player){ var version = player.versionInfo; detectionResult = version.substr(0,1); } else { player = createActiveXObject(wmp64); if (player){ detectionResult = '6'; } } } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac') != -1){ //alert(navigator.plugins['Windows Media Plugin']); //if the WMP plugin is installed if (navigator.plugins['Windows Media Plugin']) { detectionResult = 'mac'; } else { detectionResult = 'mac-noPlugin'; } } else if (navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-mplayer2']){ //ns or firefox detectionResult = 'gecko'; } } catch (error){ detectionResult = '6'; } return detectionResult; } function createActiveXObject(cid){ var error; var control = null; if (window.ActiveXObject){ control = new ActiveXObject(cid); }else if (window.GeckoActiveXObject){ control = new GeckoActiveXObject(cid); } return control; } function setVideoHelpPage(p_OS){ if (p_OS == 'mac-noPlugin') { displayVideoHelp('mac-noPlugin'); } else if (wnvideo_getCookie('ShowWNVideoHelpPage') == null){ displayVideoHelp(); } } function wnvideo_getCookie (name){ if (document.cookie.length>0){ var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen){ var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return wmvideo_getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } } // wmvideo_getCookieVal: function to return the decoded value of a cookie function wmvideo_getCookieVal (offset){ var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset); if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); }