Dear Colleague,

   We have received quite a few enquiries about the 1996 CTEQ Summer
School on QCD Analysis and Phenomenology.
   The CTEQ collaboration as well as several of the institutions that
normally provide financial support for the summer school have
experienced budget cuts and delays.  After considerable discussion the
members of CTEQ have reluctantly concluded that, within the current
budgetary constraints, we could not organize the carefully structured
CTEQ Summer School that has proven so successful and which the
community has come to expect.  We are reviewing the situation with our
funding sources and hope to be able to hold the next CTEQ Summer
School in late May or early June of 1997.
    CTEQ will continue to organize its topical workshops with one
being planned for this Autumn and a somewhat larger conference,
perhaps associated with the school, next Spring.  We hope you will
consider joining us to discuss the many interesting open experimental
and theoretical questions of QCD at that time.

                                                   Best regards,
                                                   Jorge G. Morfín

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