Lectures from the Workshop 2003:  9-13 June 2003 

The SMUon Project:

Resources provided by Jingbo Ye:

Movies and other useful resources: (Careful, some of these are big)

The Particle Adventure: The whole thing in a single zip file:  (86M Zip File) 
The ATLAS Movie: (185M Zip File) 
The RHIC Movie: (123M Zip File)

Lectures we borrowed from other sources:

Lectures by Luciano Maiani at CERN Summer School 2001  (2.4M PDF)
Lectures by Deborah Harris for Tevatron University 2002  (1.6M PDF)
CROP Project: Lectures by Gregory Snow   (4.6M PDF)
Fermi: Interactions: Overview of High Energy Physics  (6.8M PDF)

Other Resources from 2003:

List and Pics of Participants: 2003  
FTP File Area for misc documents and pictures: 2003

Darren Carollo takes 8 students to explore the Lewis & Clark Trail: (143K PDF) 
What people are saying about QuarkNet: 2003