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V[x,0]=x :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Consider a rectangular groove that runs from z=-Infinity to +Infinity and is open in the positive y direction. The groove is bounded by three walls: y=0, x=0 and x=a. The walls at x=0 and x=a are at zero potential and the end at y=0 is at a specified potential V[x,0] (independent of the z-coordinate). a) Find a series expansion for the potential inside the groove for an arbitrary V[x,0]. b) Write the first few terms of the potential if V[x,0]=x. Plot the potentials, and use VEPlot to plot the equipotential and electric field lines. c) Sum the series for V[x,0]=x and get a closed form for the solution. :[font = subsubsection; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Remarks and Outline: :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] 1) Use Cartesian coordinates and express the answer as a product X[x] Y[y]. 2) The boundary conditions suggest that X[x] is proportional to Sin, and Y[y] is proportional to a decreasing exponential. The orthogonality properties of Sin allow the expansion coefficients to be expressed as integrals over the boundary at y=0. 3) For V[x,0]=x the command Sum will analytically sum the infinite potential series. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Using Mathematica's ability to work with symbolic integrals, we can actually solve an entire class of problems with only two lines of code. Having solved the two 1-dimensional problems, we can reconstruct these back into a single 2-dimensional problem, and then graph the solution to verify its accuracy. We show intermediate results using series with varying numbers of terms. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Compare the accuracy of the solutions with the specified boundary conditions as a function of the number of terms used in the series. Note that it is particularly difficult to reproduce the "sharp corners" using sine and exponential expansions. Experiment with other choices for the specified potential such as Sin[n x] and Cos[n x]. :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Clear["Global`*"]; :[font = subsubsection; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; startGroup] Required Packages: :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; endGroup] Needs["Algebra`SymbolicSum`"] Needs["Algebra`Trigonometry`"] Needs["Calculus`VectorAnalysis`"] Needs["Graphics`PlotField`"] :[font = subsubsection; inactive; Cclosed; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; startGroup] Solution :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; cellOutline] a) Find a series expansion for the potential inside the groove for an arbitrary V[x,0]. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] a) The boundary conditions suggest that we use Cartesian coordinates, and that the solution is independent of z. We can express the potential as an expansion of orthogonal functions of variables x and y :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] pot[f_,n_]:= Sum[A[f,m ] Sin[Pi m x/a] Exp[-Pi m y/b],{m,1,n}] :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] with coefficients A[f,m] which are determined using the orthogonality property of the Sin function: :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] A[f_,m_]:= 2/a Integrate[f Sin[Pi m x/a],{x,0,a}] :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] The form of the potential is chosen to ensure that it vanishes at x=0 and x=a. The function pot[f,n] gives the first n terms of the potential if the end wall at y=0 has a potential V[x,0]. (The operator pot only works for the special case that the integral in A can be done analytically; otherwise, Integrate must be replaced by NIntegrate.) :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; cellOutline] b) Write the first few terms of the potential if V[x,0]= x. Plot the equipotential and electric field lines. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; startGroup] Consider the case when the potential on the end of the grove is V[x,0]=x. The first 4 terms of the potential are (this takes a while) :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] pot1= pot[x,4] :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] To see this visually, let us choose some values, and plot the potential in the {x,y} plane: :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] values={a->1,b->1,V0->1}; Plot3D[ pot1 //.values //Evaluate ,{x,0,1},{y,0,0.5}]; :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Clearly, the boundary conditions are satisfied on all surfaces except y=0. If we increase the number of terms in the potential series, the solution at the y=0 surface is closer to the prescribed function. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] If we increase the number of terms, the potential at the y=0 surface is closer to the prescribed value: :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] pot2=pot[x,15] //.values; Plot3D[ pot2 ,{x,0,1},{y,0,0.5}]; :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] We now plot the equipotential lines and electric field lines. ;[s] 1:0,1;62,-1; 2:0,12,10,Courier,1,12,0,0,0;1,15,12,Times,0,14,0,0,0; :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] plot1= ContourPlot[ pot2 //.values ,{x,0,1},{y,0,0.5},ContourShading->False]; :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] plot2= PlotGradientField[ -pot2 //.values ,{x,0,1},{y,0,0.5} ,Graphics`PlotField`ScaleFunction->(1&)]; :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; endGroup] Show[plot1,plot2]; :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; cellOutline] c) Sum the series for V[x,0]=x and get a closed form for the solution. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; startGroup] The case V[x,0]=x can be summed exactly with the help of the package Algebra`SymbolicSum`. (Note, Algebra`SymbolicSum` is obsolete in version 3.0.) ;[s] 3:0,0;93,1;149,0;150,-1; 2:2,16,12,Times,0,14,0,0,0;1,16,12,Times,2,14,0,0,0; :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] pot3=((( pot[x,Infinity] //ComplexToTrig ) //Simplify //TrigToComplex ) //Simplify ) :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] (Note, we have to help Sum with TrigToComplex.) We can see that the result agrees exactly with V[x,0]=1 on the y=0 boundary. :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup; endGroup] Plot3D[ pot3 //.values //Evaluate ,{x,0.001,0.999},{y,0,0.5}]; :[font = section; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; cellOutline; backColorRed = 58981; backColorGreen = 58981; backColorBlue = 58981; startGroup] Problem 2: Potential and a Rectangular Groove. V[x,0]=1 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect; fontColorRed = 65535; endGroup] Copy and modify from above. :[font = section; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; cellOutline; backColorRed = 58981; backColorGreen = 58981; backColorBlue = 58981; startGroup] Problem 3: Potential and a Rectangular Groove. V[x,0]=Sin[2 Pi x/a]^2 :[font = text; inactive; preserveAspect; fontColorRed = 65535; endGroup] Copy and modify from above. :[font = section; inactive; Cclosed; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; cellOutline; backColorRed = 58981; backColorGreen = 58981; backColorBlue = 58981; startGroup] Example 4: Conducting Cylinder with a Potential on the Surface :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Consider a long cylinder of radius r0 that is separated by a small lengthwise gap on each side. Use cylindrical coordinates {r,phi,z} and let the length of the cylinder be along the z-axis. One-half of the cylinder (0r0} :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] (There is an implied sum on the right-hand-side (rhs), {it i.e. V_0= sum_m A_m Sin(m phi).) We can determine A[m] by multiplying both sides of eq1 by Sin[n phi], and then integrating. We do this first to the rhs. Since the sine functions are orthogonal, the only surviving term will be when n=m, so we spare Mathematica the effort of integrating all terms except this one. (That is, int , Sin(n phi) , Sin(m phi)=0 except for n=m.) The rhs is then: :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] rhs= ( Integrate[ eq1[[2]] Sin[m phi] ,{phi,0,2 Pi}] //.{Sin[4 m Pi]->0} ) :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Likewise, for the left-hand-side (lhs), we have: :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] lhs=( ( Integrate[ +V0 Sin[m phi] ,{phi, 0,1 Pi}] + Integrate[ -V0 Sin[m phi] ,{phi,Pi,2 Pi}] ) //.{Cos[m Pi]-> (-1)^m, Cos[2 m Pi]-> 1} //Simplify ) :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] We have made use of the fact that the potential for 0Infinity]=0 :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] termOut[m_]= A[m] (r0/r)^m Sin[m phi] :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; endGroup] potOut[n_]:= Sum[ termOut[m] ,{m,1,n}] potOut[n] :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; cellOutline] b) Plot the value of the potential as a function of theta for fixed r. Compare the series expansion at r=r0. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; startGroup] We plot the value of the potential as a function of r and phi for r0=1 and V0=1 :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] values={r0->1, V0->1}; :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] by combining the graphics for the inside and outside region. To do this, we creat a new function pot with the appropriate conditional properties: :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Clear[pot]; pot[n_,x_ /; x<1 ]:=potIn[ n]; pot[n_,x_ /; x>=1]:=potOut[n]; :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] To see the potential as a function of r, we plot a table of r values as a function of phi. First, we examine values for rr0=1. :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] Plot[Table[ pot[20,r/r0] //.values,{r,1,2,0.2}] //Evaluate ,{phi,0,2Pi}]; :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; endGroup] Note, as r approaches Infinity, the potential approaches zero. The effect of only summing a finite number of term is again obvious. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; cellOutline] c) Make a 3-dimensional plot of the potential as a function of r and theta. :[font = text; inactive; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; startGroup] We can view the potential more directly using CylindricalPlot3D. :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect] CylindricalPlot3D[ pot[20,r/r0] //.values ,{r,0,3} ,{phi,0,2Pi} ,BoxRatios->{1,1,1} ,ViewPoint->{4, -2, 0} ]; :[font = input; noPageBreak; preserveAspect; endGroup; endGroup] CylindricalPlot3D[ pot[20,r/r0] //.values ,{r,0,1} ,{phi,0,2Pi} ,BoxRatios->{1,1,1} ,ViewPoint->{4, -2, 0} ,PlotPoints->30 ]; ^*)