Varieties of BS Commonly Encountered

BS is found in a number of forms. It is useful for you to be able to distinguish these forms, as this helps in understanding the BS.

  • Ad Hype. This includes high-powered pitches for extremely dubious products, miracle cures, sure-fire investments, etc.
  • Pseudoscience. This is the real stuff - psychics, dowsers, homeopathy, talking to the dead, etc. You'll encounter supernatural claims in this area.
  • Hoaxes. Deliberate attempts to deceive. Often imperfectly reported by news media. Some time may elapse before the hoax is exposed.
  • Incomplete Reporting. Sometimes the news outlet has shortened the story so much that important details are left out. In the case of a hoax, this can include failing to ask critical questions that woulde expose the hoax early.
  • Scientific Misconduct. This includes actual scientists fabricating results or deliberately biasing studies to get a predetermined result.
  • Political BS. Anyone who believes promises made by politicians deserves what they get. This stuff is different from real pseudoscience but may be somewhat kin to hoaxes.

There will be times when something will fall into more than one of the above categories. For example, some pseudoscientific product may be hyped in ads offering it for sale. A hoax may be aggravated by uncritical reporters.