Answers to homework problems: Chapter 5. 7) W = U = mgh = 2000 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 15 m = 294000 J 9) Force component responsible for motion is parallel to the ground. F(parallel) = F * cos(30) Work: W = F * d * cos (30) --> d = W/(F * cos (30)) = 1440 J/(250 N * cos(30)) = 6.65 m 23) Total work is given by W = 1/2 * k * x^2 The total displacement is due to streaching x = 17cm - 4cm = 0.13 m In order to find the spring constant k we use the force equation F = -k * (x-x_0) The value of the force is F = m*g = 0.075 kg * 9.8 m/s^2, x = 7 cm, x_0 = 4 cm ----> k = F/(x-x_0) = 0.075 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 /(0.07 m - 0.04 m) = 24.5 kg/s^2 W = 1/2 * 24.5 kg/s^2 * (0.17 m - 0.04 m)^2 = 0.21 J 34) Several ways of answering this problem. small car large car mass, m m 2m velocity 2v v kinetic energy,K 4mv^2/2 2mv^2/2 friction,F mu*mg mu*2mg deceleration, a=F/m mu*g mu*g Energy conservation K=F*x ---> x = K/F 4mv^2/(2*mu*mg) 2mv^2/(2mu*2mg) ----->small car breaking distance 4 times as long as large car Deceleration consideration: v^2=v_0^2+2ax since v=0 --> x=v_0^2/(2a) --> breaking distance 2v/(mu*g) v/(2*mu*g) ----->small car breaking distance 4 times as long as large car 48) U = m * g * h = 1000kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1400ft/(3.28 ft/m) =4182927 J 56) Speed of a pendulum is greatest when ALL of its potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy i.e., at the bottom of its swing. 62) Conservation of energy tells us that the velocity is greatest at the bottom of the swing when all potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy. The potential energy relative to the bottom of the swing is U = m * g * h The hight of the swing h = maximum - minimum = 2m - 0.5m = 1.5 m U = K --> m* g * h = m * v^2/2 --> v = sqrt(2*g*h) v= sqrt( 2 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 1.5 m) = 5.43 m/s 63) Potential energy U = m * g * h. Since mass and gravitatinal acceleration is not affected by the efficiency, the hight after each bounce is proportional to the efficiency. a) 1.25 m * (1.00 - 0.18) = 1.03 m b) 1.25 m * (1.00 - 0.18) * (1.00 - 0.18) = 0.84 m c) The inital kinetic energy K=mv^2/2 has to be added to the potential energy before the bounce efficiency is applied. After the bounce the total remaining energy is transformed into potential energy when reaching the initial height. Total initial energy E= m*g*h + m*v^2/2 Total energy after the bounce E*(1.00-0.18) = m*g*h (m*g*h + m*v^2/2) * 0.82 = m*g*h ----> 0.82 * m*v^2/2 = m*g*h*(1.00-0.82) = 0.18*m*g*h ----> v = sqrt(0.18*m*g*h*2/0.82) = 2.32 m/s