1) Tension = Y*Delta(L)/L*A Y=2 10^10 N/m^2 Delta(L)= 2*2*pi*r = 4*pi*0.0024m = 0.03 m (2 circumferences of the peg) L = 0.70 m A = pi*(0.0008m)^2 cross section of the wire Tension = 1723.388 N 2) m * g = k * x ===> x = m*g/k = 0.044 m 3) Pendulum 2*pi/T = sqrt(g/L) ===> g = L * (2*pi/T)^2 In the new location g' = L * (2*pi/(0.97T))^2 = g/(0.97)^2 = 10.4 m/s^2 4) Pendulum equation solved for L L = g*T^2/(4*pi^2) In the new location L_2 = g * (T_2)^2/(4*pi^2) Ratio L_2/L = (T_2)^2/T^2 = 1/(.95)^2 = 1.1 5) Force is uniformly distributed. The average force is m*g/number of nails = 73.5*9.8/1900 = 0.379 6) floating means that buoyant force = gravitational force weight of ice = Volume(ice) * rho(ice) buoyant force = rho(water)*Volume of diplaced water = rho(water) * x * Volume (ice) ====> x = rho(ice)/rho(water) = 0.89 The fraction of iceberg exposed is the fraction NOT under water i.e., 1 - 0.89 = 0.11 or 11% 7) room temperature is ~ 20 degrees C = 293 K 8) Heat used to heat ice Q_1 = 10 kg*2*10^3 J/(kg*C)*10 C = 2*10^5 J Latent heat to melt ice Q_2 = 10kg * 3.35 10^4 J/kg = 3.35 10^6 J Heat remaining after all ice is melted Q_3 = Q-Q_1-Q_2 = 4.11 10^6 - 2 10^5 - 3.35 10^5 = 5.6 10^5 J Temperature of water after remaining heat is used up T = 5.6 10^5/(10 kg*4186 J/kgC) = 13.3 degrees C 9) Latent heat Q= 0.39 kg * 3.35 10^5 J/kg = 130650 J 10)Force on the sides dependes only on the pressure ie. on the height of the column of water ===> S_A=S_B Force on the bottom is proportional to the total wight (for equlibrium it is proportional to the surface) 2B_A = B_B