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Elementary Particles I, Prof. Dr. Tobias Neumann

Through exploring both theoretical and experimental aspects, this course provides a first but comprehensive understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions.

LHC tunnel

The course aims to equip you with tools and perspectives essential for navigating research in this field. Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding the Standard Model's composition and structure and its phenomenological consequences.
  • Preparation for a deeper understanding at a QFT level, ready to contribute to future advancements in the field.
  • Learning how experimental techniques like particle detection and collider physics work to probe these fundamental interactions.


Exercises consist of a mixture of standard training calculations, but also include guided research-oriented tasks involving research papers in the field. You will learn about key experiments and their challenges, learn how to analyze experimental results, and acquire the ability to understand most plots produced by experiments at the LHC. Further research exercises will bring you in contact with cutting-edge open questions.

See exercises for a list of issue and return dates.


Larkoski, Elementary Particle Physics This lecture follows "Elementary Particle Physics, An Intuitive Introduction" by Andrew Larkoski, Cambridge University Press, 2019, which I strongly recommend.

Additionally I recommend the following complementary book:"Modern Particle Physics" by Mark Thomson, Cambridge University Press, 2013

For those digging deeper a QFT level, I strongly recommend: "Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model" by Matthew Schwartz, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Class schedule

  • Tuesdays, Thursdays, 11am to 12:20pm from 1/21 (including) through 5/6 (including)

Final exam and grades

Grading in this course is standards based and not rank/percentile based. That is, the final exam has a pre-defined amount of points that can be achieved, and the grade is assigned not based on how well you do compared to peer students, but in your mastery of the material against the lectures' material (following the course requirements). Grades are measuring results and not efforts, since we have no way to measure how much effort has been put into each worksheet.

The relative fractional number of points that are given in total, and individually for each exam exercise, follow the interpretations in the table below: To get an A-level grade you will have to do as well as could reasonably expected. For a B-level grade your submissions have noticeable flaws, but you are well above the minimum standard. A C-level grade signifies minimum requirements. A D-level grade signifies that some aspects have been learned, but the minimum requirements have not been met.

For passing the class a minimum score of the exercises of 60% must be achieved, but the final grade is from the final exam only as follows: $$ \text{final grade numerical score} = \theta\big(\text{exercise score}>= 60\%\big) \left[ \frac{\text{achieved points in exam}}{\text{maximum attainable points in exam}} + 0.01\right]\,, $$ where \theta(x) is the unit step function, \theta(x)=1 if the argument is true, otherwise \theta(x)=0. We further add one percent so that students just at the margin of a better grade will receive that. Under no circumstances is (additional) grade bumping performed at the end of the semester, and we consider this an unfair preferential treatment.

Grade scale

Numerical Score




The student did as well as could reasonably be expected.





The student’s mastery of the material has noticeable flaws but is well above the minimum standard.







The student met the minimum requirements for the course.







The student learned some of the material but did not meet minimum requirements.







The student learned little or none of the material.