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QuarkNet 2001 photo
An interesting
use of units
Holiday 2019
nCTEQ 2024
(click on photos for enlarged version)
Physics World 2024:
Dedman Distinguished Professor (2010--Present)
American Physical Society Fellow (2005)
SMU Department Chair: (2001-2007 & 2010-2015)
CTEQ Collaboration: Member (1992-Present); Co-Spokesperson, (2010-2014)
The Saturated Glue (SURGE) Collaboration: Member & Global Analysis Convener (2023-present)
xFitter: open source QCD fit project Developer Team Member (2014-Present)
CFNS (Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science), Associated member (Stony Brook University); (2024-Present)
PITT PACC: (Pittsburgh Particle Physics Astrophysics and Cosmology Center), Associate Member (University of Pittsburgh); (2017-Present)
LHeC & FCC-eh: PDF & QCD Study Group co-convener (2014-2022)
Dallas Regional Science Fair Director (2000-2017); Volunteer (2017-present)
2017 Robert S. Hyer Award of the Texas Section of the American Physical Society for a mentor and graduate student (Eric Godat)
Director, SMU Summer STEM Research Program (2017--2020)
DESY Theorist of the Week: March 2010
2009-2010: President, SMU Faculty Senate (Fall Address to the Senate)
2009 SMU Ford Fellowship Recipient
2007-08 Visiting Scientist, CERN Laboratory, Geneva, Switzerland
2007 Recipient, SMU "M" Award
"This is the most highly coveted
recognition given to students, faculty, staff, and administrators for
service to the University."
2006 SMU Distinguished University Citizen Award
2000 Recipient, President's Associates Outstanding Faculty Award
1997-98 Visiting Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL
A short bio or my full Curriculum
Vitae in PDF
Mailing Address: | Fredrick Olness SMU Physics, Box 75-0175 Dallas, TX 75275-0175 |
Courier Address: | Fredrick Olness 3215 Daniels Ave. Fondren Science Building, Rm.102 Dallas, TX 75205-1437 |
E-Mail: Phone: Fax: |
olness@smu.edu 1+ (214) 768-2500 1+ (214) 768-4095 |
Park in the
Binkley Garage.
Parking in other lots requires a parking pass which the department can provide in advance.
The fine print: Information current as of Fall 2015; subject to
SMU Summer STEM Research Program is an intensive summer research program for students in STEM fields. 2019 Programs are planned for the University of Glasgow, Scotland, and the University of Dublin, Ireland. The program provides intensive research experience, and this is highly desirable for scholarship applications and graduate school applications.
My research is in elementary particle physics phenomenology, at the interface between theory and experiment. Specifically, I study Quantum Chromodynamics (the fundamental force that binds nuclei) to help answer the questions: What are the fundamental building blocks of nature, and what holds them together?
My work is supported in part by a DOE
grant, and I have received continuous funding since 1992. I was
awarded an TNRLC/SSC Fellowship in 1993, and am an active member of the
CTEQ collaboration--a novel
collaboration of theorists and experimentalists.
I was elected an APS Fellow in 2005 for
"For significant contributions to understanding nucleon structure and
heavy quark production in perturbative quantum chromodynamics."
Each year, no more than one-half of one percent of the then
current membership of the Society are recognized by their peers for
election to the status of Fellow in The American Physical Society.
Bringing the excitement of High Energy Physics to high school science students.
"The demonstrations were wonderfully choreographed and established
visual images with many of the fundamental interactions in physics," said
Shalini Nair, [WISE] club president and electrical engineering major.
"These demonstrations will provide a basis for understanding that the girls
can call upon throughout their years in school."
Excerpt from SMU Daily Campus: Friday,
March 30, 2001, "SMU brings science to kids" by Reed M. Johnson
Physics Circus pictures here and video here
Description of Physics Circus from Dedman Newsletter (PDF format, 61K)
Physics Circus: Lecture w/ Audience Participation
From Imagination to Discovery: Quest for the fundamental structure of nature
Music and Physics: Lecture & Demonstration
Preparing for a Science Fair: A Judge's Perspective
The Group Theory of Rubik's Cube: An application of mathematics
Mathematica for Physics: and at Amazon
by R. Zimmerman & F. Olness
English Edition Japanese Edition 2nd Edition
Flyer with information about the textbook: Mathematica for Physics: by R. Zimmerman & F. Olness< /p>
Mathematica for Physics: Web materials related to our text, sample notebooks,etc.
CLATE'98 Conference Materials: Web materials related my course taught at this conference.
Course Archive: (selected listings)