Interesting Books:

Interesting CD ROM's:

The Particle Adventure: The whole thing in a single zip file:  (86M Zip File)


Interesting Videos:

Runaway Universe 
Tuesday, April 8, 2003. The program follows the efforts of two rival teams of astronomers as they search for exploding stars, map out gigantic cosmic patterns of galaxies, and grapple with the ultimate question: What is the fate of the universe? Here's what you'll find online:

January 30, 2001. The program investigates the mysterious disappearance -- and, half a century later, reappearance -- of Stardust, a civilian aircraft that crashed in the Andes in 1947.

Einstein Revealed
Meet the young patent clerk whose ideas about light, space, and time have transformed our view of the universe.

Select videos from the American Experience:

Rescue at Sea:
 On January 23, 1909, two ships -- one carrying Italian immigrants to New York City, the other, American tourists to Europe -- collided in dense fog off Nantucket Island. In a moment, more than 1,500 lives became dependent on a new technology, wireless telegraphy, and on Jack Binns, a twenty-six-year-old wireless operator on board one of the ships.

From the Geometry Center:

The Geometry Center is a mathematics research and education center at the University of Minnesota. The Center has a unified mathematics computing environment supporting math and computer science research, mathematical visualization, software development, application development, video animation production, and K-16 math education.

From  Fermilab

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory advances the understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy by providing leadership and resources for qualified researchers to conduct basic research at the frontiers of high energy physics and related disciplines.

Interesting Teacher Resources: 


Interesting Links:

QuarkNet Home Page

Fermilab Web-based Instructional Materials

Online educational resources for Physics teachers 
A collection of Java applets from Italy

NTNU Virtual Physics Laboratory (Java Applets) 
(seems not to work in Netscape, only Internet Explorer)

SMU Physics Home Page

Particle Data Group, LBL

The Particle Adventure

Contemporary Physics Education Project

Particle Physics Education and Information sites

LHC ATLAS Education Page

CERN Microcosom: Discover the World of Particles

Cool links: 2002

North American Large area Time coincidence Arrays (NALTA)

Fermi News, 1 Feb. 2001:
 High Schools Join the Search for Most Energetic Particles in the Universe 

Klein Bottles:
 Get your higher-dimensional objects here. Credit cards accepted only in 3-dimensions.

SMU Center for Teacher Education: Professional Development Opportunities

Cool links: 2003

Bose-Einstein Condensate: suggested by Nathan Brown:

A NEW FORM OF MATTER: Bose-Einstein Condensation and the Atom Laser Wolfgang Ketterle, MIT 
Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) Homepage

The Atom Builder, as suggested by Matthew Knee

Interesting Reports:

National Academy of Sciences Press webpage

Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards, National Research  Council,

National Academy of Sciences: Board On Physics And Astronomy Reports:

Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos: Eleven Science Questions for the New Century

Physics in a New Era: An Overview (2001)