Lectures from the Workshop 2001: Held 4-15 June 2001

Tom Coan's Lectures on Particle Detectors (web page)

Ken Taylor's Lectures on Accelerating Particles: PDF  Format  (4.9 MB)   or PPT Source  (zip format 4.5 MB)

Larry Grise's Information about Rutherford Scattering Lab (text file)

Ryszard Stroynowski's Lectures on the Goals of Particle Physics: PDF  Format  (434KB)   or PPT Source  (764KB)

Tamara Trout's Lectures on General Relativity: : PDF  Format  (2.6 MB)   or PPT Source  (gzip format 89 KB)

Chaos Circuit: How To Build Using OpAmps: : PDF  Format  (402KB)   or ps.gz  (487KB)

Sandra Lyman's report on Particle Detectors in Physics: Word.doc format (71 KB)

Richard Lines' report on the Cosmic Ray Telescope: PDF  Format  (277 KB)   or PPT Source  (251KB)

Randy Scalise's note on the cantilevered blocks demonstration: Text file (3K)

Other Resources from 2001:

List and Pics of Participants: 2001  

What people are saying about QuarkNet: 2001

Evaluations from the QuarkNet Participants: 2001

FTP File Area for misc documents and pictures: 2001

SMU Press Release about the Workshop: 2001

SMU Press Release about Nobel laureate Leon Lederman visit